Chapter 68- Royal

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In the dimly lit halls of Avengers Tower, an eerie stillness hangs heavy in the air, casting shadows that seem to dance in the faint light. The atmosphere is tense, a palpable sense of unease settling over the once bustling headquarters of Earth's mightiest heroes.

As the Avengers gather in the common area, the glow of the TV screen casts a flickering light across their faces, the sound of the news anchor's voice filling the room.

"...And in a shocking turn of events, Morgan Stark, daughter of the late billionaire philanthropist Tony Stark, has been reported missing. The Stark family, recently designated as the royal family of America, has yet to comment on the disappearance of their daughter, who is now being referred to as 'Princess Morgan' by the media."

The news report sends a chill down the spine of the gathered Avengers, their expressions grim as they absorb the gravity of the situation. Morgan, missing? It's unthinkable, unimaginable, and yet there it is, flashing across the screen before their eyes.

Steve furrows his brow, his jaw clenched with concern as he listens to the news report. He knows firsthand the pain of losing someone you love, and the thought of Morgan facing a similar fate fills him with dread.

Bucky shares a troubled glance with Sam, their silent communication speaking volumes as they exchange worried looks. They've faced their fair share of challenges as soldiers, but the prospect of one of their own being in danger hits close to home in a way they hadn't anticipated.

Yelena paces restlessly, her hands clenched into fists at her sides as she listens to the news. She can't shake the feeling of helplessness that washes over her, the sense of déjà vu as she recalls her own past traumas and the fear of losing someone she cares about.

After happy had seen Morgan after the funeral, nobody had seen her for weeks and they tried every possible way to contact her or track her.

The news report continues, the anchor's voice carrying a sense of urgency as she delivers the latest updates on Morgan Stark's disappearance.

"Authorities are urging anyone with information regarding the whereabouts of Princess Morgan Stark to come forward," the anchor says, her tone grave. "Speculation is rampant as to the circumstances surrounding her disappearance, with some sources suggesting foul play may be involved."

The Avengers exchange troubled glances as they listen to the news, the weight of the situation bearing down on them like a heavy burden. They know that time is of the essence, and that every moment Morgan remains missing only increases the likelihood of danger.

"Meanwhile, the Stark family has yet to issue a statement regarding Princess Morgan's disappearance," the anchor continues. "But with the eyes of the world upon them, pressure is mounting for answers."

Pepper's jaw tightens with resolve as she listens to the news report, her thoughts consumed with worry for her missing daughter. She knows that the world is watching, waiting for a response, and she'll be damned if she doesn't do everything in her power to bring Morgan home safe.

"Princess Morgan's disappearance comes amidst a wave of speculation surrounding the Stark family's recent designation as the royal family of America," the anchor adds, her voice tinged with intrigue. "With tensions already running high, many are left wondering what this latest development means for the future of the Stark legacy."

The Avengers exchange uneasy glances at the mention of the Stark family's newfound royal status, the implications of Morgan's disappearance looming large in their minds. They know that the stakes have never been higher, and that the fate of their princess hangs in the balance.

Steve's jaw clenches with fury as he listens to the news report, his hands curling into fists at his sides. The mention of Morgan's disappearance hits him like a punch to the gut, igniting a fiery rage within him that threatens to consume everything in its path.

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