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This is my first time writing a story in this universe so do bear with me 😓

The story of how the packs in the Evergreen Wilds came to be is all too well known.

When the first pack arrived in the wilds, their Alpha-wise, but old and exhausted from the trip-passed after a few months.

The leadership was meant to pass to his son. But the Beta of the pack, convinced he was stronger and thus more suited to the role of Alpha, swayed majority of the wolves to his side and was made leader instead.

To secure his position, he wanted the former Alpha's good hearted but weak son executed-fortunately, a small number of his pack were still loyal to the young wolf, and they escaped with their lives.

As the years passed, the true Alpha grew into a capable leader, supported and burgeoned by not only those who had remained by his side, but other wolves inspired to join him. After finding his Luna, he formally established his Pack as the Silver Arrow Pack. Despite the unfortunate events that had occured, the Moon Goddess appeared to be smiling upon both him and the wolves who followed him.

And as for his former Pack, while the false Alpha was physically strong, he was otherwise a snivelling coward who used fear and manipulation to get his way. Under his command, what was once a great pack began to splinter, with many wolves choosing to desert him and begin their own lives in other parts of the wilds. Eventually, the false Alpha, infuriated that the Silver Arrow Pack was flourishing, challenged their leader to a one on one fight.

In the end, the false Alpha was slain, and what remained of his pack was scattered. This led to the creation of all the other packs across the vast Evergreen Wilds, the Moon River Pack, the Snow Fang Pack, the Fire Claw Pack and the Willow Creek Pack. But after all these years, the Silver Arrow Pack remains the strongest of them all.

To this day, this tale remains a lesson, that loyalty to the right wolf is what truly brings strength, as well as the Moon Goddess's blessing.

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