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Aisha's POV

"NEEL!" I screamed as I saw the person standing in front of me.

"Yes, its me. Neel Khanna! The same Neel Khanna you insulted in 10th Grade!" He said angrily

"Neel, You were the one who pulled it upon yourself! If you wouldn't have done that, I wouldn't have been forced to insult you!" I said in my defence

"Hmmm.. I know, I forgive you. And you know the reason behind this forgiveness" He asked with a smirk

"No?" I said feeling confused, he was very egoistic, and he was one of those people who could kill the latter person to avenge even a scratch on their ego. He wouldn't forgive me, not for atleast the next 1000 years.

"You see, I can't hold a grudge with my to be wife, I mean I have to live a whole life with her." He said with a sinister smile plastered on his face

"Your wife?" I asked

"Yes, you, my wife! That's the reason I kidnapped you, and since there is no wedding without family, I kidnapped your sisters and mother too!" He replied

"WHAT?!" I screamed, shocked "Why did you kidnap them? This fight is between me and you! And I'M NOT MARRYING YOU!"

"I did not give an option, you have to. Or else I'll have to kill your family!" He shot back

"You can't do that! And how did you even get the guts to kidnap me knowing that I am an IAS? You were always a scaredy cat, and you still are! And I'm already getting married after a few months, and YOU here won't be able to do anything, to prevent that!" I said, intentionally mentioning my marriage with Dhruv, so that he gets angry and forces me to call Dhruv, so that he could threaten him, and in the meantime Dhruv would be able to track me.

"What! What is the name of that fucker? Tell me!" He said angrily, jerking my chin upwards with his hand "Give me his number so that he can never be seen again!"

"Dhruv Aditya Singhania! That's his name, let's see if you have courage to call my to-be-husband!" I stressed on the latter word, to anger him further

"You are marrying Dhruv fucking Singhania!" He shouted, obviously nervous "I Always knew you were a whore! Anyways, It'll be the first time anybody would defeat him, and I'll be the one to defeat him! Let's see his vulnerability after hearing what is going to happen to you"

He took out my phone from his pocket to call Dhruv, his smile faded when he saw my phone protected from a password. He held my chin harshly, forcing me," What's the freaking password?!"

"9695" I replied smirking, because he's obviously going to ask me the reason behind the password. And it'll leave him all worked up

"9695? It's not your birthday, what is it?" He asked, to my delight

"Oh, it's just my boyfriends birth date!" I answered innocently

"Ugh! I should have known" He said, irritated. He must have seen my most recent call was with 'Dhruv', because his mood only worsened, then he noticed the heart emoji next to his name, as his jaw clenched.


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