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"You lost my daughter." Khalid's voice was almost too calm for the situation at hand.

"Sir, I-"

"You lost my daughter!" Khalid screamed, throwing everything from his desk to the floor.

Ibrahim was still searching the grounds of the house like he had been for the past 2 hours but Emaan still had not been found.

"You lost my daughter." Khalid was emotional and in disbelief, he couldn't believe he lost another daughter. He collapsed to the floor with his head in his hands, while Aasim did his best to comfort him.

Ibrahim refused to take a break as he pushed through the acres of land, searching for even the smallest sign of the woman.

Just when he thought it might be time to take a break, he spotted an old tool shed hidden behind some trees, he was roughly 30 acres away from the house by now. He ran to the tool shed and slammed the door open.

Inside the small shed Emaan screamed and jumped at the loud bang from the old door almost falling off of the hinges, the book she was holding fell to the floor amidst all of the shock.

"Emaan! What are you doing out here?! I- your father is so worried right now! You were supposed to stay in your room!" Ibrahim was yelling, half relieved and half angry.

"I-I just wanted some peace and time alone..." Emaan's voice broke as she began to tear up.

"Ms. Khan... Please don't cry, no one is angry, we were simply worried about you. I understand you're going through a lot but we could've come out here if you had just asked. Please don't do this again, we were so scared." Ibrahim had a comforting tone in his voice.

Emaan nodded and they made their way back up to the house.

"Emaan!" Khalid yelled as he wrapped his arms around his daughter, the 3 hours she was missing felt like a lifetime to the worried father.

"Baba, I'm okay. I'm sorry, I just wanted some time to myself but I realize now that I was being selfish with how I did it, I'm so sorry for worrying you." Emaan apologized as she hugged her father tightly.

"Aasim, you're fired. Emaan, you will not go anywhere without Ibrahim, he will be your night guard as well." Khalid decides.

"What? You might as well have me marry him." Emaan says sarcastically.

"That's not a bad idea." Khalid replied, deep in thought.

"What?!" Ibrahim and Emaan replied.

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