Chapter Six

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The tale of the Egg Thief spread through Sonder like wildfire. It began small - starting as a mere flicker in the midst of the Marsh's backyard. Though, like any flame, its ember spread from the Finely's yard to the neighbors across the street. It burned through homes and singed the ears of innocent passersby.

Before Emma could stop it, the story - her story - got swept up by the winds and became scorched with tiny lies.

Some aimed themselves at the Grand Mage;

"Ozker Peridot is a dud. Didn't you hear? He can't even fix a box of all things!"

While others poked fun at the mischievous villain of the tale;

"A boy with pointy ears, you say? You're joking!"

Most, however, shook their heads at the girl destined to be deemed a hero.

"She's lying. Surely, she is. That is what human children do, after all."

"Her poor parents...I wonder what they think of it."

"Better question is, when are they going to take that amulet away from her? It is much too dangerous in a liar's hands!"

Emma did her best to ignore the searing flames billowing around her. Even as the lies began to burn through her cozy little life, she became good at turning a deaf ear to the raging rumors. She was even better at mending the truth when the opportunity came. Alas, it wasn't until she ran into a group of her old friends that she noticed her patience wearing thin.

 Alas, it wasn't until she ran into a group of her old friends that she noticed her patience wearing thin

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The city of Sonder was much busier than she had anticipated. Though, it may have a lot to do with Emma waking up late that morning. Despite becoming so diligent, she found herself waking up to her mother bellowing her name. The sun hung high in the sky while the timid clock she owned inched past nine.

Even with Blu's magic, Emma knew that she would never arrive at Mr. Peridot's on time. The two hopped from one side of the street to the other. With Blu mustering up every bit of magic he could, Emma focused on keeping her diligent stride.

She fought to keep her heavy spellbooks in hand as the two appeared before a wide-eyed Maja. They danced out of her way - narrowly dodging a crate full of shimmering vases. Maja's pretty pink cheeks turned a deadly shade of gray as the vases shattered onto the cobblestone street.

The witch cursed the girl's name. "Emma! You and that bouncing beast of yours get back here this instant!"

"Sorry, Maja!" she huffed, nearly tripping on her heel as she tossed an apologetic glance her way. "Running late! I'll fix it later! I swear!"

Maja grumbled a few more words before taking a deep breath. She, then, shook her head and shooed the frantic-eyed girl away. Emma shot her a grateful smile before Blu swished his magical tail once more.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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