HH/HB Girls x MAR Part 09: Overture

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[Last where we left off, you've grown bored of sticking around in the hotel and decided to go look for a job, before you left, Alastra stopped you and asks what you were planning. You told her that and she suggested a job for you to do. You took her advice and went to the place in the Wrath ring. The place you were applying for is I.M.P. You've met everyone there: Loona, Blitzø, Moxxi and Millie. The three imps were truly delighted to hear about you joining their company, but Loona showed no reaction. Your new boss, Blitzø scheduled you your first day at work and you said your goodbyes before heading back home. Now, we cut back to Pentagram City. It has been 1 week since the Extermination ended.]

Charlie: *Closing a book after narrating her story. Holding a key in hand* "Don't worry, mom.." *Clenches it* "I'll make you proud." *Looking out the windows in sadness of her city in ruins*

*You and Vaggie comes into the room looking at Charlie*

Vaggie: "Charlie?"

Charlie: "Aah!" *She threw her key in which it transforms into KeeKee moving away* "Oh shit. Vaggie, Y/N. You startled me. Did you..hear all that?"

Vaggie: "Uh, yeah. We were right there." *Pointing her thumb at the doorway*

(Y/N): "Mhm."

Charlie: "Sorry, I get pre-tty worked up after an extermination happens." *Looking out her window before looking down* "The story helps..."

Vaggie: *Chuckles* "Don't worry, I enjoy your theatrics. Are you okay?" *Sits down with Charlie*

(Y/N): *You sat with them as well on the other side of Charlie*

Charlie: "I'm fine, just.. thinking, ya know? Family stuff."

Vaggie: "Did you.. hear from your mom yet?"

Charlie: *Shook her head in dismay*

Vaggie: "Oof.. How long as it been now?"

Charlie: "Not that long. Only... seeeven.. yeeears... Off doing something important, I'm suure! But this kingdom was something she really cared about. Something I care about."

Vaggie: "Well, at least you aren't alone."

(Y/N): "That's for sure."

Charlie: *She hugs both you and Vaggie together, holding her hands next before sitting down with you two* "I just hope what I'm trying to do here will work."

Vaggie: "It will. I have faith in you." [Keekee jumps onto Charlie after she said that]

(Y/N): "You've never given up even after the sinners ridiculed you. That takes a lot of strength to keep the spirits up, which makes me proud to see you have. Me and Vaggie."

Vaggie: *She nods* "You're right about that."

Charlie: *Smiles to you and her.*

Vaggie: *She gets up* "Alright, come on. Alastra says she has something to show us." *Leaves out the room.*

(Y/N): *Pats Charlie's shoulder once, giving her a hopeful nod before getting up and following Vaggie.*

*Charlie then hears the a bell ring from afar outside. The scene shows a holy looking bell tower in the center of the pentagram. Looking at it in sadness, she knows it'll be yet another year before the extermination comes again. She then leaves the room to see what Alastra has made*

*The scene then shows static going off before it fixes itself then shows a demon continuously stab another demon. This appears to be a TV ad*

[Alastra advertising] "Well, hello there, you wayward sinner! Do you like blood, violence, and depravity of a sexual nature? Of course you do, that's why you're in Hell! But what would you say if I told you there was a place to stay that had none of that? Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, a misguided path to redemption! Founded five days ago by Lucifer's delusional daughter, Charlotte Morningstar!"

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