HH/HB Girls x MAR Part 02: Staying Over

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[Last where we left off, you were kicked from Heaven and have fallen down to Hell. Your first impression of the realm was not a very good one, seeing how it's much different than your original home. You've met one of Hell's overlords Rosie and she invited you to her Emporium privately. So now, we cut back to you two having a conversation.]

Rosie: "So, new to town eh? Are you perhaps a sinner? You don't look anything twisted or ugly like the rest of us. In my eyes, you still look alive, like a human."

(Y/N): "Well that's because...--" (Wait..! Should I tell her that I am an angel?? A fallen one at that?? What would her reaction be??? Oh god, what will she do to me if I told her?? Ah crumbs, I gotta say something to change the subject quick!!)

Rosie: "Dearie, are you alright? You're being awfully quiet now."

(Y/N): "Uh- Uh uh, I'm fine!! Just a...heh, sudden day dreaming is all."

Rosie: "Oh well that's alright. I tend to do that as well. For a short moment though, I tend to love sharing conversations with folks every now and then."

(Y/N): "Understandable miss."

Rosie: "Mhmm." *She takes a sip of her blood tea drink* "So that aside, do you mind if I ask a few things about yourself dearie?"

(Y/N): "Oh uh sure. I'll be happy to answer." *Forcefully takes another spoonful of the blood jello again then swallows it. Wants to puke but had to take it*

Rosie: "What brings a sinner like you down in this place? From my understanding, you don't look like the type that did anything wrong so I assume someone must've played you hard, am I right?"

*You went silent as she said that. Remembering what happened not too long ago*

(Y/N): *In a low voice* "You could say that.."

Rosie: *Notices the tone in your voice* "O-Oh..! My deepest apologies dear. I didn't mean to bring up something so upsetting to you."

(Y/N): "Oh. No no, you're alright. It doesn't matter to me anymore."

Rosie: "Are you sure?"

(Y/N): *You nod* "I rather be dead and prisoned in such misery than to ever go back. They can be happy without me for all I care."

Rosie: "Hmm..."

(Y/N): *Shook your head* "Okay, let's not get into anymore details about my old life. You still have something to ask me?"

Rosie: "O-Oh yes. Yes I do. Um... How is your first day down here in Hell?"

(Y/N): "....................." *You had a frozen sheer face of unimaginable horror* ".....Pleasant. To say the least."

Rosie: "Judging from your reaction, not a sight to see huh?" *She giggles* "In all honesty, you should be very lucky you came down here at this very moment."

(Y/N): "Huh? What do you mean by that?"

Rosie: "Well, every year in Hell, we have this emergency thing all around the pride ring called "Extermination Day". These Exorcists aka angels comes down from Heaven and exterminates every sinner or demon on sight as they see fit. They are very merciless and wouldn't never spare a single demon."

*As Rosie continues to talk about the Extermination Day, underneath the table you were clenching your fist. Your heavenly blood was boiling with rage. These poor souls in Hell, even though they meet eternal damnation, they were still human souls that were lost, made terrible mistakes, and helpless. Just listening to this horrible event makes you despise Heaven even more. To think it was a realm full of positivity, full of innocence and virtue. They are nothing more than dirty hypocrites and liars.*

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