HH/HB Girls x MAR Part 07: New Style

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[Last time where we left off, Charlie asks for your help about going into the city with her and handing our fliers advertising the Hazbin Hotel. Vaggie volunteered to join in as well. You all went into the city and got to work, unfortunately things didn't go exactly the way you all wanted it to be. Each sinners either mocked you, ignored you or just discarded the fliers that's been handed to them. One jerk bumped into both Charlie and Vaggie and you failed to get him to apologize. Though, on the bit of a bright side, you've gotten a bit of payback on him. You all returned to the hotel all bummed. You had quite the conversation with Husker and that seemed to calm you down. You went to check on the girls but Vaggie tells you they're fine and that they didn't want any company. So you simply left. Now, later on till the evening, you made dinner for the whole hotel.]

Everyone: *Eating dinner that was served on the table*

Niffty: "Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom!!"

Husk: *Looks at Niffty, a little annoyed by her fast and mid-loud eating. Just continues with his own plate*

(Y/N): "You should uh..slow down there Niffty. Don't want you go choking on your food now."

Niffty: "Can't help it when it comes to your cooking! It's tasty! And I'm already dead heheheheh!"

(Y/N): "Eheheheh.." *You rubbed the back of your head.* "I appreciate the nice compliment but still, you should slow down."

Niffty: "No promises! Nom nom nom!"

(Y/N): "Hmmmm.." *You look around yourself* "Sooo, Angel and Alastra. How were your days today? I haven't seen you around all this time until the evening."

Alastra: "Ahhh I'm happy you asked dear. My day was simply splendid. Made my way into the city, went to a nearby café and had some tea and deviled eggs there. Of course, I only wanted the tea, I just gave the eggs to the disgusting scavengers you would call the birds."

(Y/N): "Uh--"

Alastra: "Took a stroll to a nearby park and picked up the most loveliest rose. Passed by some of the lovely ladies on the side of Cannibal Town, paid a chap a coin for their fine instrumental music, observed this era's most pompous, obnoxious piece of shit box that's known to be television and lastly, went to a nearby meat shop. I tell you, they served the best fresh meat there is."

(Y/N): "Oh well that's nice-"

Alastra: "And my instincts then told me, I craved for more. I went back and gotten more of that delicacy. Only this time, I liked it alive⁓" *She makes a sinister smile to her comment* "The poor fellow couldn't appreciate the simpler times..⁓"

(Y/N): *He feels a little frightened from that but doesn't feel like asking her on what she means* "I-Interesting! I'm happy to hear your day went well."

Alastra: *Smiles happily in amusement*

Angel: "Well then handsome, as for me, my day was quite amazing myself⁓ Met up with the fans, been to a few bars here and there, had good drinks while partying, it's been truly well⁓"

(Y/N): "That sounds like fun."

Angel: "Oh most definitely⁓ Besides going to work and [CENSORED] and [CENSORED] with a few of [CENSORED]"

Everyone: *Shocked and speechless with what they're hearing, they've paused from eating*

Angel: "[CENSORED] which also came a few extra [CENSORED] and [CENSORED] that went deep in my [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] lick all of the [CENSORED] before they [CENSORED] my [CENSORED] and lastly..

Hazbin Hotel-Helluva Boss Girls x Male Angel ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now