💟 GolfBall x/& TennisBall - FlatChests

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This can be taken as platonic or romantic tbh

Anyways I just had this idea for a while and I HC them both as trans and I thought this was a cute story idea, idk tho

Also I kinda needa sleep and this sucks but enjoy ig???


GolfBall never liked her flat chest.

She didnt control that ofcourse, but she hated it none the less, getting dressed everyday just to look down and be reminded that she was flat crested

Well..... sorta...

See, some of the other girls there were also flat, like Flower, IceCube, Needle, whatever.

What made GolfBall so different was that she wasent truly a girl

Atleast that's what she was always told from family

She hated doing anything with family, as she was always hearing people saying "oh he's so good at this" and "he's an inventor"

It made GB mad beyond belief

She never felt like a boy, even when she was younger.

She hated doing boyish things and always got made fun off, being called a girl for likening girly things and being short, yet she liked those insults, it felt nice to be called a girl, even if it was mean.

But she never told anyone she was a boy biologically, she felt she would just be seen how her family saw her, a boy.

GolfBall tended to stay away from people, as she disnt like to talk to anyone, afraid her raspy voice would tell people her real sex, but it changed when she met him.

She actually opened up, but still was closed off. But he told her about everything.

She never told him she was trans though

But one faithful night, she spilled her secret..


"TennisBall! Do yo-" GolfBall called as she walked into TennisBalls room, juat to find him with his normal sweater off, but he was wearing a white binder underneath it.

"Oh jeez! GoldBall i-" TennisBall wasent sure how to explain himself. He didn't want GB to find out he was trans just to treat him differently, but GolfBall reacted quite the different

"Your trans?" GolfBall calmly asked in her raspy voice as she looked away

"I won't look, you can finish changing"

TennisBall was shocked, but he did finishing changing. As soon as he did GolfBall went right back to her question

"I can't find my wrench and last I knew you used it, do you happen to know where it was palced?" GolfBall asked as TennisBall looked a bit shocked


"Do yo-"

"Do you not care I'm trans?"

That was not the question or answer GolfBall was prepared for, but she answered honestly "no, why should I? Your still TennisBall and your still my lab partner"

GolfBall shrugged as TennisBall smiled softly

"Wow.... that was a shock coming from you"

"Why? I can't really be transphobic if I'm trans"

GolfBall said, before she realized she just revealed herself

".... what?"

"Forget I said anything"

Golfball said, blushing from embarrassment as TennisBall chuckled

"No, but I'm glad I could force you to open up"

"Tell anyone and I'm going to be testing all the experiments on you next."

OSC ONESHOTSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ