💟 firey x Leafy - pasta and small talk

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repost cuz the last one has the worst writing known to man and stuff and it wasnt proof read. anyways enjoys and there will be a small bonus at the end for how bad the writing for this chapter was before

 anyways enjoys and there will be a small bonus at the end for how bad the writing for this chapter was before

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


Firey laid on his side on his bed as he watched YouTube on his phone. His earbuds plugged into his ears as the sounds of his phone buzzed in his head, making him feel as if it was only him at the time, as it was. Firey sighed and then closed his eyes as they listened to the sounds.

A sound ringed in his ears and vibrated his pillow he laid on and then finally opened there eyes. He had gotten a text from someone as he grabbed his phone to see who it was. His text was leafy as he read the text.

Leaf girl: Hey can i come over to ur house for a sec? I just need to grab something for my work meeting today

Fireball: What

Leaf girl: I need a tie

Fireball: why don't you just buy one

Leaf girl: Because you have one and my work isn't that far from your house

Leaf girl: Just let me firey it's not a big deal

Fireball: k

Firey set his phone back down as he sat up and rubbed his eyes and swayed his legs over his bed and stood up, their legs wobbled a bit as he hadn't gotten up for a bit but he didn't mind.

Firey walked into the living room of his apartment to go to the door once leafy had arrived.he sighed and grabbed an energy drink from the fridge and sipped it before his door was knocked on.

Firey walked over to the door and opened it as Leafy stood there just looking at him. She had a black suit on with a light green button up shirt under it. Her hair was curled so it looked more professional than it normally did. Her shoes were some nice black boots as she had on a small amount of makeup. Firey looked the complete opposite of her. He had on a red rock band t-shirt with black sweatpants that had the words "Fired up" in red on the side of the leg.

"Well you look fancy don't you miss Leaf?" Firey said making fun of Leafy and her nice looking outfit.

"Shut up and help me find a tie." Leafy said, allowing herself inside.

"Hey woah now." Firey said pointing at her shoes. "I only have a few rules and one is no shoes."

"Okay" Leafy said as she shrugged and took off their shoes and put them next to the door.

Leafy walked into the room after taking off her shoes and walked with Firey to their room. Fiery opened his closet and looked at a shelf that held some of his clothing as he grabbed it and took down several ties.

OSC ONESHOTSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang