Chapter 2.1

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For two people who claimed they hated each other, Hyunjin and Jisung spent an awful lot of time together. They always found ways to start fights when others expected them to ignore the presence of the other mutually.

Both vehemently claimed to anyone willing to hear they were forced into each other proximity by their friends, but the frequency of their - loud - interactions raised doubts in some of them.

"What are you doing here?"
"Exactly what I wanted to ask. Shouldn't you be joining the beginner's rap class?"
"And you should be practising the JYP basic steps, but here you are."
"Don't start it, hyung," Jeongin interrupted, "both of you."
"Chan called me here."
"Then that makes the two of us."
"We were all called by Chan," Seungmin added. "So don't start it."
"Do you think it has to do with the debut team? Are we fired?" Felix worried, taking Jisung's hand firmly in his grip.
"If someone should be fired, it's not you Felix," Jisung replied, softly stroking Felix's hand for reassurance.
"You're not subtle."
"I wasn't trying to be?"
"And here they go again," Seungmin groaned. "Chan hyung better come fast or I'll lose my mind."

As if summoned by Seungmin, Chan entered the room, looking questioningly at Hyunjin and Jisung who were ready to jump at each other's throats.

"You guys okay?"
"Of course, Hyung!" Hyunjin was quick to reply, honey voice dripping and a sweet smile on his lips as if they weren't seconds away from a fistfight.

The other members chuckled at his obvious change of behaviour while Jisung faked a puking motion.

"Good. I wanted to talk to you, guys. As you probably know, I have been spending a lot of time discussing with staff and management and they finally agreed to let me work with members of my choice to create a debut team," Chan spoke proudly. "And well, if you are willing to trust me, I would like to try with you all."

Gasps erupted right and left under Chan's contented gaze. The members were jumping in happiness, wrapping Chan in a group hug and sharing promises to reach their common goal.

Once the initial reactions, everyone started to get ready for more practice, their motivation fueled by the light of their debut on the horizon.

Jisung stood there, conflicted. Chan's announcement hit him like a brick.

Such a chance to debut, with Chan, no less, should have been one of the happiest days of his life, but the ghost of Hyunjin's permanent presence prevented him from enjoying it fully. They would have to work together, be on good terms, or at least, be civil to avoid scandals. He wasn't sure he would be able to do that. Would Hyunjin even make any effort in this direction? Jisung was convinced he wouldn't want to ruin his chances at debuting, but what did he know about Hyunjin?

"Jisung?" Chan called as if he was reading his mind. "I know you're not on the best term with Hyunjin, but I want you both in my team. I don't know why you dislike each other so much, but I hope you both realise you are more alike than you are willing to admit."
"I don't want to disappoint you."
"You're not. But I know you both and you're good people. I am sure this is a stupid misunderstanding."
"Somehow I doubt it."
"I'm not telling you to do anything now, but you should try to talk calmly. You might be surprised by the result too!"

Chan for all his strong dark grown-up facade could be so ridiculously optimistic at times. It was painfully adorable. Jisung didn't have the heart to brutally break his hopes. Jisung looked up at Chan and nodded slightly.

"Ah cutie, come here."

Seconds later, Chan wrapped him in one of his infamous bear hugs along with exaggerated baby babbles.

"Yes, yes, I know. They grow up and don't want my hugs anymore."
"Chan hyung!" Jeongin and Changbin called in perfect unison. "We need your help."
"Duty call, let's talk about this again later, hum?"
"Yeah," Jisung agreed, eyes following Chan as he walked away.

"You're so desperate for his attention it's kinda pathetic at that point." Hyunjin scoffed.

He was lying against the wall and despite his old jogging and messy hair, he looked as good as ever and barely bothered by the announcement. Jisung hated it. Of course, Hyunjin didn't have to worry about his debut and staying by Chan's side. Why would he when he looked like that? He didn't need to make any effort to receive attention, everyone's eyes eventually landed on him.

"I'm not..."
"Come on, since you heard he was trying to create a team you've been begging for him to look your way. Hope you're satisfied now that you got in. Sorry to be there too, though."
"I didn't ask for your opinion."
"I'm just saying it screams desperate."
"You think I didn't see you buying him food so he would feel indebted to you? Using money to get him, sounds desperate to me too!"
"You're just jealous he invited me for dinner yesterday."
"I have dinner with him plenty of times, thank you very much!"
"Shared cookies in the studio don't count as a date if you didn't know."
"I didn't..." Jisung fumbled, flustered by the mere idea of having a date with Chan.
"Oh, I know you don't. Why would hyung pick you out of everyone?"
"He said he wanted me in his team!"
"Did you see how many people he first selected? Eleven, me included. You're not special."
"He chose me first," Jisung spat between his clenched teeth.
"You wish. You're just another trainee begging for his attention, just like me."
"Hyung and I... we're special."
"What do you mean? As far as I know, you're not anything to each other," Hyunjin replies dismissively.

That was a low blow, he knew what was going on.

"I'm waiting for the right time to tell him, he's busy."
"All I hear is he's single, and you never made a move. I don't see why I can't try my luck just because you're a coward."
"You're doing that just to piss me off. You don't even like him like I do!"
"Now, little shit, you can criticise me all you want, but I won't allow you to deny my feelings just because you don't like them."

Jisung trembled with contained rage and despair. Who did he think he was? He was ready to punch this little fucker right in his pretty face. And with this look, how would Jisung even stand a chance?

"You..." Jisung started, "You think you're so good, huh? You think you're better than anyone? Of course, you think you're the only one who stands a chance, right?"
"I don't. We're the same," Hyunjin replied. "You can keep feeding your little fantasies all you want, it doesn't change the truth. He might not be interested in me, but it doesn't mean he loves you either. You're stupid for spending years pining in silence and getting angry once someone wants to make a move."

Jisung looked back at him in shock. He knew the care Chan showed him wasn't love, at least not the type he wanted it to be. Hyunjin's words were fueled with jealousy, but it hurt more than any of their fights before.

"Get out," Jisung told Hyunjin.
"Ya! Who do you think you are to order me around?"

Hyunjin froze at his sudden outburst, and all eyes were already on them. He knew he was playing with fire. Jisung always needed less than a spark to kindle, especially when Chan was mentioned. Still, he didn't expect such a strong reaction this time.

"Get out of here," Jisung repeated, tone lower yet still filled with anger.

His jaw was painfully clenched, and his hands trembled uncontrollably. Chan and Changbin immediately recognised the signs of a breakdown.

"Hyunjin," Changbin called. "Let's go somewhere else."
"Why do I always have to be the one to leave whenever he goes into one of his crises?" Hyunjin protested.
"Hyunjin," Changbin repeated, leaving little space for debate.

Hyunjin reluctantly complied, helped by the heavy guilt messing with him over. He wanted to apologise and explain himself, but he knew it was too late when Jisung was in this state. The other members followed quickly, silently encouraged by Chan.

The Moon and the Sun (the Universe in your eyes) [hyunchansung]Where stories live. Discover now