chapter 29

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Stan's pov

I followed Kyle outside to try and stop him.

"Kyle!" I called after him, making him turn around.

"Stan!" He shouted, throwing his arms around me.

I would actually enjoy that if Kyle's breath didn't reek of alcohol.

"Come with me." I told him, grabbing his arm and leading him to my car.


I took Kyle back to my house. If I took him home, his drunk ass probably would've woken up his parents and they'd kill him.

After the challenge of getting him upstairs, I laid him down in my bed, rolling him over on his side, and covered him up.

"Go to sleep." I said to him.

He quickly passed out, and I grabbed an extra blanket and pillow and headed down to the couch.

Kyle's pov

I woke up with my head spinning. There was a little moonlight coming into the room from an open curtain. Then I realized that I was in Stan's room. Why am I here? I looked next to me, and the other side of the bed was empty. Stan was nowhere in here.

I started to feel sick. I got up, quickly running to the bathroom to throw up. I've been doing that a lot lately. After a minute, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up, seeing Stan.

"You okay?" He asked me.

"Y-yeah..." I answered, "I'm fine."

This is the first time I talked to Stan since the breakup, and I'm throwing up in his bathroom, and I don't even know why I'm here.

"Come on," Stan started, helping me up, "you need to lay back down."

Stan walked me back into his room, and I got back in his bed.

"Um..thanks." I said.

"Get some rest." Stan said, leaving his room.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To lay back down on the couch." He told me.

"Stan, this is your bed," I said, "I'll take the couch."

"You had a rough night," Stan began, "it's fine."

"This is ridiculous," I sighed, "let's just both sleep in here, we've did that during sleepovers as kids."

Stan stood there, thinking about it for a minute, before sighing.

"Yeah, okay."

Stan got in the bed, joining me from the other side. We went to sleep, facing away from each other.

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