Gunshot (Chapter 8)

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(Courtney's POV)

Why did I get myself in this mess, I wanna scream my poor lung out. I am right now standing infront of 12 COUNRIES that I am trying to get away from and fate always bring me back to them. I pray to God that they won't reconzie me, please Soviet don't reonize me. I looked up and noticed two new countries that I ven't met, but I know them. Infront of me is the Third Riech and Weimer Republic, I can handle Weimer but not Third Reich. I gave them a shaky wave and quickly drop my hands down, I noticed that Luxembrouge was staring at me please don't remember me. I got to get out of here, I excused myself saying that I am very busy today and I have to go to school and I can't be late. I thanked Mr. Bartel agian and speed walked my way toward the exit of the, I hate conversation because its very scary and weird. My hands reached for the door nob and as I was about to twist it one of the countries spoke up, and my blood run cold.

" Waart emol du gesäis wéi de Jong gëschter an der Bar, hien huet dee selwechten Hutt wéi Dir."(Wait a minute you look like the boy at the bar yesterday, he's wearing the same hat as you.) I turned around to see Luxembrouge stepping out of his group.

"Your right, she does look like the boy at the bar. Wait Ottoman didn't you said that a girl with a strange backpack kicked you between the leg?" Asked Britian

Ottoman was still looking at the picture that I drew not paying a single attention to whats happening, but once he heard what Britian said he turned around and looked straight at me. Yep they are deffentily catching on. 

"That is the girl that we have been chaseing after for the past days before you guys came along." He shouted.   

(You can listen to the music if you want for me it brings out the action)

Right after he said it I forced my body to move, I twisted the door nob and rushed out. I was startng to get chased again. Never in my life have I ran so much, I rushed down the streets avoiding the cilvains and childerens running after eachother. I almost ran over a little boy that was playing tag with his friends on the sidewalk. Avoiding not to trample children was hard its like they are every where, and I am not going on the roof again. I saw a nearby hourse powered bus when I ran past it, they have cars but not busses, thats kinda sad. Wait a minute in my history book car were invented during the 1880s's and Austria-Hungary said we are in the 1870's, how are things 10 years in the future here already. I looked back and saw America, France, Britian, Ottoman and Austria-Hungary running after me. I can't keep running I didn't eat anything this morning so I don't have the energy, I know life hates me but luck loves me and a carragie came by and I quickly hopped on without the driver noticing. They watched me as the driver drived away with me, I did a salute using two of my fingers to them. I watched them disapear as a driver turned a corner, I sat on the carragie for a while, ate my lunch which was just a sandwhich and listened to some music in my earpods that connected to my phone. I touched my head and felt that my hat was still on, and I let out a sigh of relief. The carraige suddenly stopped and the driver saw me when he turned his back to grabb something and was angered by my presance. I quickly jump of the carragie as he called of a police officer, there was one near by and saw me run and started to chase after me. The gaurd yelled some words in German that I didn't catch, I kept running passing a few more officers and they also started to chase me down. I tried to juke them by turning around corners, they were still on my tail, shoot this is not good. I did right turn and then a left, I was focused on running that I didn't notice one of the officers pulling out a gun. He fired a shot, but missed hitting a nearby wall when I jotted left, I was stopped in my tracks when I saw the countries again, This time it was Austria-Hungray, Bulgaria, Russian Empire and Luxembrouge, I didn't see the three younger country so I guessed that they went home with G.E. I heard the police yelling to freeze and put my hands up, I did what I was suposse to and the R.E (Russian Empire) started to walk toward me. I heard an officer aporching me from behind with a pair of old handcuffs, and put it on my wirst. Good thing I have a few tricks up my sleeves, as soon as R.E walked toward me he was talking with the officer in his treibble German so Austria-Hungary have to be the translater for English and German. While they were talking I was picklocking the cuffs by using a paper clip (thank you spy and prison movies), I silently slipped them off and lock it on G.E and Austria-Hungary's wirsts. G.E was trying to persuade the officer to let them take me, and to be honest he was very good at it. The gaurd gave in and agreed, hell naw I ain't going to go with the countries to the mansion with the most fear people in there (You know who). I kneed the officer in the gut and started to run off, G.E was about to run after me, something pulled him in his wrist and noticed that he was handcuffed with the Blind boi. What I though was there is only one officer, but I soon learned there was another, the second officer was holding out a gun and fired muitple shots. I felt a few impact on my body, it hurts like hell but I still kept running and I heard footsetps coming from behind and I picked up my pace. I ran down the streets while my inside shrit is starting to get soaked, my vision is starting to get fuzzy, I looked back and saw no one was chasing after me at the moment. I looked around and spotted the nearest and tallest and started to climb it. I opend my backpack and found some bandages so I used the remaining ones and wrapped it around my bloody body and layed back at the tree, I need some rest.



Name: Russain Empire (R.E)
Personality: Calm, manitplutive, cold, nice, smart.
Note: Loves to drink, doesn't like Soviet.

Name: Soviet (Ussr/Onion)
Personlity: Smart, strong, cold, rude, sometimes nice
Note:  Is good friends with Third and Weimar (kinda). Also like to drink Voldka, is hella strong, he can go a bit crazy.

I am finally done with this chapter!!!! LEST GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I hope you readers enjoy what I wrote.

(1926 words)

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