"You lost me."

"You'll get it soon." I said as I got up.

"This will be legendary."

I climbed the stairs but slowed down when I heard faint talking.

"He's trying to show off." A female voice said.

"Just because he's the mate of our king doesn't make him our Luna or someone we should be taking orders from. He might just be a bed warmer." Another female said.

There was shuffling for a few minutes, then footsteps coming towards me.

I stopped walking completely until two women came into view, dressed in the housemaids' uniform.

They were still talking as one pushed her trolley that was filled with cleaning supplies, and the other walked with a broom.

They halted when they noticed my presence and stared at me like deer caught in a headlight.

"Sir," the one holding the broom greeted, bowing her head down slightly.

The other one looked at her friend and then hesitantly copied her action.

"Good day, your majesty." She drawled.

Clasping my hands behind my back, I stood up straight while they held their heads low.

"Did you receive an invitation for tonight?"

They both nodded, and I smiled. "Lovely, I expected to see both of you there in your finest garments."

"Thank you." The one with the broom said and slightly bent her knees to bow.

I hummed and started to walk towards them. They moved aside so I could walk in between them.

Stopping right between them, I stared ahead.

"A bed warmer with a title none of you will ever have. I'm inviting you tonight out of pity, and I could easily have you two removed from this place. I hope you remember that." I looked at both of them, then continued to walk, not once looking back.

When I was far enough, my calm and seemingly collective composure faltered, and I grumply stomped to my room.

Pushing the door open, I walked in and slammed the door shut.

It was almost time for me to get ready and find my mate. He said he would find me, but I wanted to be the one finding him.

A knock on my door had me perking up, "Come in," I said, giving the person permission to enter my room. The door was pushed open, and Patrick stepped in, then stepped aside so the woman could also step in. She entered with almost 4 different bags that did not look to be lightweight at all.

He never tries to help her in any way.

"Hello sir, let's get you ready,"

My forehead creased, and I looked behind me, at the clock that hung on the left wall above my dresser to check the time.

"We have a lot of time." I told Patrick, and he dipped his hand in his suit, emerging with a small bronze pocket watch. He hummed and slammed the watch closed, looking back at me.

"Indeed, but it is best that we start now as it will take a very long time."

He just called me a disaster, right?

"Okay."I dragged, and he snapped his fingers at the woman. She dropped all the bags and headed for the door, opened it, and walked out.

Patrick and I stood in silence as we waited for her to come back. The room was now awkward. I started to look around just to avoid making any sudden eye contact with him. It's funny how this is my room, my place, and I'm the one feeling uncomfortable.

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