~Slime~ (All of the kiddos)

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This was requested by @Dumbtherian, so thanks for the inspiration!

Either way, she told me a good idea about what happens in the story. So, I'm gonna put that in it :D! I don't know what else to say other than I hope you enjoy reading this, and I'll most likely make a ✨sPiCy✨ soon, hopefully.. :D

Enjoy! -Malaylay

Third Person POV:

Ashlyn and all of the other kiddos were going over to Aiden's house for a sleepover. Ashlyn was the first to be there, then Logan and then the twins. "Wait, are we the first ones here?? OH HECK YEAH!" Taylor said with excitement.

"Don't get your hopes up Taylor, I got here an hour ago, and Logan just got here." Ashlyn responded.

"Dang it.." Taylor whispered to herself.

After everyone got settled in, Aiden went to go grab something in his room. When he came back, he had a plastic bag in his hand. "BeHoLd My FeLlOw PhAnToM sLaYeRs!! I have bought a ✨SLIME KIT✨, so we can make slime!" Aiden told the others with his goofy smile.

"OOH SLIME!! I WANNA MAKE SOME!!" Taylor responded, which she seemed pretty excited about.

"Ow, Taylor please quiet down.." Ashlyn said while trying not to sound mean.

"Shoot! Sorry Ashlyn! Are you ok?" Taylor replied with a worried look.

*Ok, I'm too lazy to write the rest*

A few minutes later, they got all of the slime stuff laid on top of a table. All of the kiddos mixed the slime, and then they picked out the color of dye with accessories if they wanted. As they were making/decorating the slime, Taylor wanted to try something with the slime.. Let me tell you it didn't end so well... :0

The types of slime they made:

Logan and Tyler made matching ones. They put their favorite things, like stars and baseball stuff (such loving gays >:D)

Taylor made a pink slime that had gold sprinkles (NOT THE EDIBLE KIND), which actually looked pretty cool :)

Ben made a dark blue slime that had glitter in it (because he is a magical fairy princess, jk lol)

Ashlyn made a dark red slime that had smiley faces on it (She basically made a slime that represents Aiden, because they act like a married couple >:DD)

Last but definitely not least, Aiden made a green slime that had ballet shoes (He basically made a slime that represents Ashlyn, because he thinks they're a married couple)

*Time skip~ <3*

A little while later, Logan and Tyler were snuggled on the couch together (such loving gays), Aiden and Ashlyn were also snuggled on the couch (because they're a married couple), and Taylor wanted to try an experiment that includes slime. Ben kept trying to tell her no, but she did it anyway, because, she's Taylor.

"I want to see if I can dye my hair using slime!" Taylor said with excitement

"Uhh, that's not a good idea.. you could get it stuck in your hair." Ben typed on his phone.

"Come onnn Ben! It can't be that bad, just trust the process!" She assured him with a smile.

A little while later, Ashlyn and Tyler were going to the kitchen to raid the cupboards. But, when they walked in there, it was a DISASTER! Taylor's ends were covered in slime, Ben was trying to get it out, and there was slime EVERYWHERE!! "TAYLOR! What are you doing?! That's slime!" Ashlyn asked as she was walking over to help.

*Time skip again because I'm too lazy*

So, they couldn't get the slime out sadly. The only option they had left was to chop it off. So they did! Ashlyn cut her hair to the point where there wasn't anymore slime in it. "Wow Ashlyn! You did an awesome job!" Taylor told Ashlyn as she looked in the mirror.

"Thanks, I tried it on my dolls when I was younger." Ashlyn responded.

When they walked out of the bathroom, everyone noticed Taylor's new haircut. They all said that it looked amazing. Taylor told them that Ashlyn helped her cut it, and said how nice and even it felt.

Moral of the story kids, do NOT put slime in your hair.. Or else you would end up like Taylor!

~So, I got this idea from @Dumbtherian, so I decided to make it. Because I had no ideas.. EITHER WAY, I laughed while making this because I feel like Taylor would do this lol.~

BUT! I hope you have an awesome day/night, and always remember to eat and drink enough!

Don't forget to smile!

XOXO, Malaylay

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