~Star Gazing~ (Tyler x Logan)

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When the nights are dark
and the wind is just right,
it's a good time to go 
stargazing with you <3

(Completely made this up myself lol, enjoy! -Malaylay)

Here I am, sitting with the boy I love and care about the most, never wanting the night to end..

Logan's POV:

The night was beautiful. The wind was just right, the stars were out, and I'm sitting with one of my closest friends. Even though we haven't been friends for that long, I still think that I'm the closest with him than the others, but I like them all evenly, don't get me wrong here. But, we seem to talk and hang out more.

So, I decided to go outside to go look at the stars, because of how nice it felt with the breeze. But, I didn't want to do it alone, so I decided to call one of my friends, Tyler. Should I ask him? I should ask the others too in case he can't. So, I text the group chat and ask if anyone was free, everyone said they were busy except for Tyler.

(Short time skip..)
So now, I am at Tyler's house, about to go take a walk to the park. When we started walking, we were chatting about our days and interesting stuff that happened. After about 10 minutes, we got to the park. Tyler found a spot to sit at, and we sat down. We sat there in silence for a little bit, until Tyler said this...

Tyler's POV:

Logan and I were sitting on a hilltop at a park, and I.. may or may not have a teensy weensy crush on him.? I know it sounds crazy, but.. there's just something about him that makes me feel queezy and shy on the inside.
(Tyler, the queezy feeling is called 'butterflies' -Malaylay)

As we were laying on the grass and watching the stars, which was actually really pretty, I looked over at Logan and just stared at him for a minute (not trying to be creepy, but the nice stare.)

So, as we were laying there, I decided that I should confess to him. Confess. Am I ready for it.? I thought to myself of different ways to confess that were not overbearing but also genuine. After a couple of minutes, I finally found the perfect way. Right here, under the stars, with him.

"Hey, uh.. Logan.?" I said shyly as he started to look up at me.

"Yeah, what's up?" Logan responded with his adorable smile. 
(Oh goodness gracious Tyler quit fan girling over him and just confess lol. -Malaylay)

I finally got the courage to tell him, so I did just that. I said these exact words to him, but also trying not to panic at the same time.

"Logan, I like you, more than a friend. Ever since I met you, you always have that smile that brightens up the room, and you always make me feel, I don't know, shy when I'm around you.. I just don't want to lose the friendship that we do have with each other. Logan, I love you, and I genuinely mean it."

Logan's POV:

Wait, what?? Tyler Hernandez, the TYLER HERNANDEZ, likes me.?

I know that he thinks we have a strong friendship, but I honestly never expected this.. Honestly, I do feel the same way, and I was planning on telling him tonight.

After a couple of seconds, I felt tears coming through my eyes, but they're happy tears. I looked at him and smiled "Tyler, I feel the same way." I said while smiling.

Tyler looked at me in shock. I bet he didn't expect this answer, which made me laugh just a little bit. After a minute or two of just staring at each other, I finally gave in and closed the gap between us.

After a couple of minutes, I backed away so we could catch a breath. Tyler looked at me and smiled. "So, what does this mean for us now?" He asked but was trying not to be pushy about it.

So, when they were done talking, they laid down. But this time, they were closer together, basically cuddling, "Ahh omg it's happening, I am laying here with my.. wait, is he my boyfriend?" I thought to myself as we were looking at the stars.

Both of their POV:

"Here I am, sitting with the boy I love and care about the most, and I don't want the night to end just yet.." They both thought to themselves while smiling.

After that night, they started dating. They kept it a secret for two weeks and then told the others, which they figured it would happen one day.

Word Count: 762  (WOW! That's the most so far!)

This took me a while to make, sorry if I haven't been posting as much as I probably could be. I've been busy with schoolwork and other stuff, so sorry if I don't post a lot at times.

But either way, I hope you enjoyed the wattpad, and remember to eat and drink enough <3

~Always remember that you are special and perfect just the way you are, you don't need to change anything about you! Have a nice day! <3~

XOXO, Malaylay 🤍

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