Part 4 ~ Chapter 21

Start from the beginning

"NO!" Astrid complained, stopping Stormfly to keep them from crashing into the Gronckle and Ingerman as they passed by.

"YES! Good job, Meatlug!" Fishlegs shouted as he scratched Meatlug's head, then he tossed his prize to Ruffnut, who caught it with a smirk. "Here you go, darling! Mine's worth ten!"

"Yeah! The Black Sheep!" She giddily exclaimed.

Astrid looked toward Snotlout, shocked over what she had just witnessed. "You guys are fighting over Ruffnut?!"

Snotlout didn't look at the Hofferson as he scratched his cheek with a drop of sweat falling down the side of his face out of embarrassment. Not wanting to get whacked to death by the girl atop the Nadder like he usually did.

"I'm totally winning!" The female Thorston shouted, sure in herself that she and her brother would be able to score before anyone else got the sheep out of their grasp.

"We're winning together!" Fishlegs said, a love-struck look on his face and a dreamy air about his voice.

Ruffnut then rammed into Meatlug, sending Fishlegs into an uncontrolled spin, the poor Viking shrieking as she did so. This made him and Meatlug slam into Snotlout and Hookfang, sending all four of them to tumble head over tail, which made the crowd go wild. Kala on the other hand, watched them crash through her fingers as she had covered her eyes, not wanting to see her father's teammates get hurt.

"Oh, no!" Snotlout yelped just before all four of them crashed into the earth below in a heap of Viking and dragon.

"Whoo-hoo! No one can stop me now!"

"Except for me." Tuffnut noted to his over-excited twin. "We're attached, genius! Quit trying–" Tuffnut said as he grabbed at the sheep, Ruffnut fighting back as he did ending up with a tug-of-war starting.

"Hey!" The female Thorston shrieked in annoyance.

"–to steal all my glory!" Tuffnut finished as they continued to fight over who got to score.

Astrid saw this as an opportunity to steal the sheep from them, but before she could get close enough she heard the whistling sound of none other than Toothless himself and stopped Stormfly fast enough to miss the Night Fury in question as he came barreling past, a small smirk residing on her lips.

"Get 'em, Toothless!" Stoick shouted from the stands as he took notice of the arrival of his grandson.

Kala noticed and bounced excitedly in her grandfather's lap as she watched her brother speed into view. "You got this brother!"

"It's MY glory!" Tuffnut complained.

"Always ruining EVERYTHING!" Ruffnut argued.

"NO SHEEP, NO GLORY!" Tuffnut shot back, neither of them hearing the whistling that came off of Toothless' wings from the speed he was flying at.

The Night Fury in question swooped in as they argued and snatched the sheep from the twins with ease. "Gotcha! Ha-ha!" He cheered as he sped past with the sheep in his clutches.

Toothless was in his hybrid form in order to communicate with the riders as they raced. The outfit he had on was very similar to his little sister's. Unlike the other racers, he had on a black flight suit that was mostly made of leather that was painted black from a mixture of his, Kala's, and Hiccup's scales, some of said scales decorating the flight suit on the sides of his arms, legs, and torso. The areas that were made up of cloth were a bright red instead of the green cloth his sister's was made off. Toothless also had on a black metal chestplate that had shoulder pads attached to it, the right one having the same Night Fury design as Kala's adorning it. His boots were not much different than Kala's, the only difference being that his were not lined with fur at the top, but rather leather to match the rest of the flight suit.

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