Elton Castee | Haunted Hill House

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Summary: As Elton's ears catch the faint whisper of your name echoing through the halls of the Hill House, he is instantly overcome by a feeling of dread. In that moment, he knows that their seemingly "normal" visit has taken a sinister turn, and that the mysteries of this foreboding house are just beginning to unravel.

Warnings: obviously mentions of spirits ("ghosts"), and your typical overnight warnings

Word Count: 588

Note: Before reading please make sure you have watched the video for more understanding! I changed it from Corey hearing Devyn's name to Elton hearing yours

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You, Elton, and Corey stood in one of the first rooms of the Hill House.

The room was bathed in an eerie crimson glow, courtesy of the dim light emanating from Elton's camera and a solitary, ominous red bulb that hovered just above the door.

You had already finished the intro and were starting the investigation, going room to room hoping that you'll get some decent evidence of what went down in this house.

You and Corey stood by each other and Elton was straight across from you. Corey, not even five minutes in the room already felt something go past him.

A sudden chill crept up Corey's neck as the soft, unmistakable sound of footsteps approached from behind. Simultaneously, a gentle breeze caressed his skin, sending goosebumps cascading down his arms.

"I just felt a breeze push past me."

"No way, Corey," you whisper, eyes darting towards Elton with a hint of desperation. "Please tell me you're just messing with me..."

"I swear, I'm not messing with you, (name)!"

"Oh god... we've barely even started."

As Elton listens to you and Corey banter, there's no mistake in what he heard behind you. A soft whisper of what sounded like your name.

"Hey, (name)," Elton whispered, his voice tinged with concern. "I don't want to scare you, but... I think I just heard someone call your name, right behind you."

You snapped your head towards the direction Elton pointed, but saw only darkness. Whirling back to him, you hissed, "Elton, seriously, cut it out. You're freaking me out."

"I'm not messing with you, (name)," Elton insisted, his gaze unwavering. "It was a woman's voice, I swear. I heard it clear as day."

A chill snaked down your spine as you muttered, "Can we please turn off the camera for a bit? I need to catch my breath..."

"Yeah, for sure," Elton shuts the camera off and the three of you make your way outside for fresh air.

"Elton," you said, your voice trembling slightly, "are you absolutely sure you heard my name? A woman's voice, you said?" You desperately clung to the hope that this was all just some twisted joke.

He nodded, his expression grave. "I'm telling you the truth, (name). I heard your name, clear as day. I wouldn't joke about something like this."

Dropping the camera gear into Corey's hands, Elton wrapped his arms around you, gently rubbing your arms in an attempt to soothe your nerves. The warmth of his touch did little to chase away the chill that had settled deep in your bones.

"I feel like everywhere we go, something always says your name, (name)."

"Fucking tell me about it, Corey."

Elton kisses the top of your head and continues to hold you. "We can take like an hour break if you need, but we also don't have that much time to spare."

"I know, I know. Just wanna stay like this for a little longer."

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 20 ⏰

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