Colby Brock | Witches Forrest

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Based on this request: Based on Sam and Colby's video (witches forest) where the oc runs off & the group goes crazy trying to look for her.

Warning(s): None

Word Count: 445

Note: I changed it up just a bit so I can add some detail! Hope you like it!

The cold rain began to downpour as the group struggled to set up their tents in the worsening weather. Their clothes quickly became soaked through, and the fire they had started was doused by the unrelenting rain.

After five minutes of wrestling with the tents, the group finally managed to find shelter from the rain. They huddled close together, seeking warmth. Y/n found herself snuggled up to Colby, his arms securely wrapped around her shoulders, providing a sense of security and affection even as the night continued to grow darker outside.

"Why did it freaking rain?!" Y/n asks, shaking her head in annoyance.

"I don't know," Jake shrugs.

Suddenly, a rustling noise caught Y/n's attention. Her curiosity piqued, she dashed out into the darkness, drawn towards the mysterious sound. The boys' calls of concern fell on deaf ears as she disappeared into the night, determined to find the source of the noise.

Colby's panic was palpable as he shouted into the storm, his hands balled into fists on top of his head. "Where the hell did she go?!" He bellowed, eyes wild with worry.

"We'll find her! But, we need to stick together!" Sam yells back. The boys' words were nearly drowned out by the deafening rain, forcing them to raise their voices to be heard.

"I'm freaking the fuck out, dude!"

"Y/n!" Corey yells as loud as he can.

"Cmon! Come back here!"


Without a second though, Colby took off in the direction he'd last seen you go, the rest of the boys following closely behind, all of them calling out her name in unison."Y/n?!"

As they neared the source of the rustling noise, the group spotted Y/n crouching by a ditch, her hands gently petting a trembling dog, it's fur soaked and shivering in the rain. The concern on Colby's face slowly morphed into relief.

"I... I heard something. When I came out of the tent... I uh, I saw a shadow figure, and it led me here. Now the figure is gone and I'm stuck with a dog!" You had been crying for who knows how long. The mascara was smeared across your eyes, and the foundation was long gone.

"Babe..." Colby puts his arms out and he carries you back to the camp, the dog follows.

"I'm sorry, guys."

Sam shakes his head, "You scared the living shit out of us," he chuckles.

You smile softly, "My bad."

𝐒𝐀𝐌 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐁𝐘 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now