Vol. 11.5 Chp. 3: Farewell

Start from the beginning

She didn't need to answer the question this time; a mere glance at her would reveal the reason for her tardiness. It wasn't confusion but pure amazement that she was experiencing. 

The Horikita I saw now vastly differed from the one I saw yesterday. So that's what happened, I thought to myself. This must be why Horikita immediately understood why she couldn't grow after entering this school.

The elder Horikita stared blankly at Horikita's condition.

I was the same.

I fully understood on the day of her brother's farewell. Horikita came here, fully aware of her lateness.

The elder Horikita could never find fault with having such a sister.

"You've changed."

The elder Horikita, who, after seeing his sister, felt relieved, said softly.

"I've... changed?"

"Let me correct myself. You've returned to yourself, Suzune."

This wasn't a new beginning but a return to one's roots.

"One year, No... many years have passed."

Horikita adjusted her breathing and answered her brother's questions slowly. "I've always felt regret over not being able to return to my past self earlier," she replied. With one step, Horikita closed the distance between her and her brother.

"What is the current you are thinking about now?"

"What is it... honestly, I'd be lying if I didn't say my heart was all over the place right now."

Horikita's face was full of perplexment as she stumbled over her words.

The elder Horikita looked at her gently while waiting for her to sort her words out.

"But the only thing I can say for certain is this. The old me always followed your shadow, but I'm no longer that person."

Horikita had only thought about her brother's affairs and, therefore, had only lived for her brother so far.

It was all about learning more and getting more athletic to gain approval from her brother.

"Then I ask you this, to you who has finally stopped chasing after me. How will you live in the future?"

The brother raised this question.

Horikita got her breathing under control and chose her words carefully.

"I'll no longer chase the backs of others, so I'll have to find my path."

The confusion had vanished for Horikita, and she could see clearly. However, she was determined to continue improving.

"And then-"

"Walk on her path.

Although it may seem easy, some people find it challenging. In the given scenario, it was a difficult task. However, allowing someone to witness the challenge became a farewell gift for the elder Horikita. Despite this, Horikita does not seem finished yet and has plans for further work.

"After that, for my classmates, I'll walk ahead of them."

It is becoming a role model for the people around you, guiding them to success.

That was an essential element to becoming a leader.

"And to find my way, I will learn with my companions at this school."

When I first met Horikita a year ago, I never expected her to grow this much. She was a top student who was slightly arrogant and a bit better than most. We were just neighbors who sat next to each other. Her strength left a strong impression on me, for better or worse.

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