Vol. 4.5 Chp. 3: Troubled Individuals

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'...': Writing
'...': Sign language
"...": Text to speech

I was invited by Katsuragi, along with Ayanokouji, to head to the student council. I didn't have anything better to do, so I joined them.

"If I recall, up until yesterday, they were renovating the room, and it was unusable," Katsuragi made a slightly surprised face.

I was a bit curious about how Ayanokouji knew about that.

"I happen to have some ties with the student council president. The same goes for Kagurazaka."

If you call blackmailing having ties with someone, I'm all for it.

"So you were acquaintances with that student council president?" Katsuragi asked.

"I wonder if you could call him my acquaintance, but... It's something like that anyway," Ayanokouji replied.

"Ahh, I see. Horikita of Class D is the student council president's little sister, huh?" It seemed Katsuragi had concluded.

"Thank you both for accompanying me," Katsuragi said.

"It's a coincidence," Ayanokouji responded, "I also have some business with the student council right now."

"So that's why you're also wearing your uniform?" Ayanokouji nodded.

"What about you, Kagurazaka-kun?" Katsuragi asked.

'I'm tagging along for fun.'

Nodding once, Katsuragi began heading towards the school, towards the student council room.

"Excuse me," Katsuragi knocked on the student council room door and spoke clearly.

Student Council President Horikita Manabu and Secretary Tachibana came out to welcome us. The older Horikita immediately noticed my presence.

"It seems the unexpected but welcome visitors came together," I lightly bowed to return the greeting. 

On the other hand, Secretary Tachibana had an extremely disgusted expression.

"Today I came here because I have a request to make. I heard that student requests go through the student council, which is why I've come".

"It seems you came by yesterday and the day before yesterday. We were absent due to the renovations. I apologize," Manabu said.

"No. It is currently the summer vacation. The fault lies with the side pushing the matter. But I am glad I was able to meet you today. Depending on the situation, I had been thinking to go directly to your dormitory," Katsuragi said.

"In this school, during enrollment, we are forbidden to contact the outside without express permission. I would like to inquire further into that, and so I have come here".

"From the sound of it, you've naturally been looking through the school regulations? Extreme, unavoidable reasons as the exception; contact is strictly forbidden".

As Manabu stated, permission is only granted for severe illness or injury.

"Yes. But in regards to individual cases, how would I be best advised to deal with it? I want to deliver a package and a message card to my family outside the school grounds. Of course, I'm not expecting a reply from my family," Katsuragi said.

"It's the same thing. Even if this is unilateral, it still is forbidden". Those words were returned to Katsuragi professionally.

"Contact with the outside; I have heard that it strictly includes shipping of packages, too. However, as long as I don't send information in letters, wouldn't that be considered not breaking the rules?" Katsuragi asked.

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