Vol. 1 Chp. 4: End Of Peaceful Days

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' ': Writing
' ': Sign language

Third period, history. Chabashira-sensei's class. She walked in as the bell signaled the start of the course. The student's attitudes didn't change, though.

"Everyone, be quiet. Today's class will be more serious," she said

"What do you mean, Sae-chan-sensei?"

You must be a brave or foolish person to call her that.

"It's the end of the month. We will have a short test. Pass these to the back."

She handed out papers to the first row. Eventually, the test reached my desk. The trial had several questions from each of the five major topics.

"Eh? I haven't been paying attention. This is unfair!" A student cried.

It isn't anybody's fault except for your own.

"Calm down. This test is only for future reference. It will not be reflected on your report card. There's no risk, so be at ease. However, cheating is naturally prohibited."

Let's get this test over with.


I was taking a walk around the school campus when I spotted someone. It was a young girl with pink hair who wore no glasses.

I made my way over to her as she was too focused on her camera. Tapping on her shoulder, she squeaked and fumbled with her camera. She turned quickly with a blush.

"P-please don't scare m-me like that..." She muttered.

'What are you doing, Sakura-chan?'

"T-taking pictures..."

'Of yourself?'

She didn't say anything, but she nodded.

"P-please don't t-tell anyone..."

'Okay... Oh, you look better without your glasses.'

Sakura's face turned beet red as she looked away. I could imagine steam coming out of her eyes.

I walked away.


May 1st

Today, we were supposed to get our points. Checking my phone, our points didn't change at all.

I still had the same amount as yesterday.

I better head to class.

Classroom 1-D

The morning bell for the first school day of May rang. Soon after, Chabashira-sensei walked in, holding a poster rolled into a tube. She had a grim and severe expression.

"Sensei, are you in menopause?" Ike asked.

I don't know if he was brave or stupid to ask her that.

"Alright, morning homeroom is starting. Are there any questions before we start? If there's something on your mind, feel free to speak up," Chabashira-sensei ignored Ike.

Immediately, several people raised their hands.

"Um, I checked my point balance this morning, and no points were deposited. Weren't they supposed to be provided every month on the first day of the month? I was impatient because I couldn't buy the juice I wanted."

"Hondou, I explained it before, didn't I? Points are wired to students' accounts every month on the first day of the month. They were wired without any problems this month as well."

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