Vol. 3 Chp. 5: Everything Coming Together

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'...': Writing
'...': Sign language

Kagurazaka's POV

I watched as it rained when I saw Chabashira-sensei carrying Horikita. I got up and made my way over to her.

"Kagurazaka. If you couldn't tell, I'm a little..."

"I can carry her..." Chabashira-sensei looked at me with wide eyes before relaxing.

She didn't say anything as she stared back at me. A sigh escaped her lips, "Fine, but I'll come with you since I have the keys, and I want to make sure you don't try anything."

Chabashira-sensei handed Horikita over to me, and she was light.

I carried Horikita through the hallways until we arrived at her room. Sensei unlocked the door.

I brought Horikita over to her bed and gently laid her down.

'I'll take care of her.'

Chabashira-sensei looked at me before sighing, "I don't think I can change your mind, but I'm warning you... If I hear that you did something to her, I'm expelling you."

I nodded.

She started to walk out the door, closing it before she stopped, "I'm proud of your progress, Kagurazaka."

The door closed, leaving me alone with Horikita.

I heard Horikita let out a groan as she slowly opened her eyes. She looked right at me, "Kagurazaka... kun..."

I nodded.

"It looks like... I retired..."

Tears started rolling down her cheeks, "I'm sorry...! You... trusted me... and I failed... you!"

She wiped the tears away, "I'm an incompetent leader... an incompetent person... I feel like a failure."

"I disappointed my brother... my classmates... sensei... you... I disappointed myself..." Horikita buried her face into her pillow.

3rd POV

Kagurazaka walked over to Horikita and pulled her into a hug. Horikita felt stunned momentarily before relaxing and burying her face into the crook of his neck.


Kagurazaka's POV

I managed to calm Horikita down, and she was taking a bath.

Let's see... soup, water, and medicine. Yup, I got everything.

I was in the small kitchen area, making Horikita some soup, when I heard her call out to me.

I walked over to the bathroom door and saw her head peeking out.

"Kagurazaka-kun... I prefer to ask something else, but... Could you bring me a pair of my pajamas and..."





This is not a big deal... All I have to do is bring Horikita her pajamas and panties...

She hurriedly closed the door after grabbing what she needed and giving it to her.

I'd appreciate it if you could check on the soup.

It didn't take long before the soup was finished, and I placed it on the nightstand beside her bed with the bottle of water and medicine.

I heard the bathroom door open, turned around, and saw Horikita wearing cute pink pajamas.

She went over to her bed and lied, "Thank you..."

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