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; the state of being obsessed with someone or something.


Murmuring lightly to the swooning music coming from the ceiling speakers. Azai moved her color-coated paintbrush across the white canvas. The light brown paint coats the previously white canvas.

Her hand moved delicately as she swiped and colored in all the last touches. Pulling the brush back Azai slid the industrial metal chair back to get a better look at her creation.

Grinning over her work. Azai pulled out her new iPhone 15 from out the paint covered apron and went to her camera to capture some pictures to post on her Instagram. Pulling her legs apart, bending them a little bit. She bent down and snapped a few pictures before standing up straight.

She admired painting and would spend the rest of her days in an art room doing it if she could've. It was the painting that kept her calm. Whenever she was angry with something, it was a sanctuary for her.

Looking out the big open window, azai frowned when she noticed the sun beginning to set. She'd spent most of her time in her art studio without even noticing it. Azai looked back at the paint splattered mess and sighed.

Azai began to clean up everywhere, making sure that the paint wasn't on the floor, on the table, etc., her phone rang on the table, and she looked up to see who it was.

Grabbing it she answered it with her free hand, placing the phone to her ear. "Nice to hear from my best friend." Azai spoke, earing a sigh on the other end of the phone.

"The phone works both ways, Azi," Diarra responded, causing Azai to discreetly roll her eyes. She placed the phone on speaker and laid it on the table, then took a wet towel and began cleaning down the tables.

"I know; I've been using mine! What about you, Dia." Azai responded smartly. She loved her best friend more than she loved herself, but she despised Diarra's attempts to play the victim role when it came to communication between the two of them.

"Anyway, that's not why I called you. Izzy and I wanted to know if you were coming out with us tonight." Diarra said switching the subject, causing Azai to grumble in annoyance, but nothing less subsequently followed.

"Go out where?" Azai questioned, putting all the art supplies in its proper place before gathering all of her personal items. The phone line went dead silent until Azai heard garbled sounds on the other end.

"The club I texted you about this morning." Diarra answered to her inquiry, prompting Azai to pucker up her face because she couldn't recall receiving a text about a club. Going to their text thread. Azai scanned the messages and saw no mention of a club.

"You didn't text me anything about that." Azai said with a sigh. She took out her keys and locked up her studio before heading out to the parking lot. She could hear Diarra's grumble on the other end of the phone, making her roll her eyes.

"Probably didn't go through, anyway are you coming or not?" Diarra inquired, causing Azai to pause her movements and consider whether she had anything else to do before the night ended.

"I have a few things to do once I leave the studio. What time were you thinking about going out?" Azai wondered, peering around the semi-empty parking lot as she sensed someone observing her.

"Ten thirty." Azai hummed and opened her car door, getting in after noticing no one else in the parking lot. Shaking off the strange sensation she was experiencing. She put her tote bag on the passenger seat and her phone in the cupholder.

𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐃 𝐎𝐁𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt