Chapter 6 -Hanna

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| October 31st | Sunday |

Today is Halloween and Gabe made me go to this Halloween party with him and the others. At first I didn't really want to go but when he mentioned that Ezra will be there too I might've changed my mind..
I think I'm totally crushing on her and I don't know what to think of it. It's the first time I have a crush on someone and while it's super thrilling it's also so scary. I didn't even have my first kiss yet and Ezra is definitely experienced. I don't want to loose her as a friend but I just can't stop my brain and heart to feel like that.

We've been hanging out almost everyday. our group but since we hung out to start our project she's been acting differently around me. Before we barely talked and now we're the two who are talking the most. When we're not hanging out we're almost texting all day.

I'm drawn out of my thoughts when I hear a knock on the door. So after checking myself in the mirror one last time I make way to the door. My costume is Kim Possible. Typical ginger costume, I know.
When I open the door I'm greeted by Gabe with a smile. "Damn, you look hot!" He exclaims, which makes me chuckle. "Thanks." I mutter embarrassedly. "Ready to go?" He asks and I nod excitedly. So after I lock the door we make our way out of the building. " are we getting there?" I ask curiously. On that he turns to me with a grin. "Carpooling." He answers as we walk over to the parking lot.

My eyes widen when I see Ezra sitting on a motorcycle. Yeah, of course she's a biker. Can she be any hotter?!

"Hey." Ezra greets me with a grin and I can't help but blush at that. Why am I such a blushing mess around her. Hi." I reply shyly. "What is your costume?" Gabe asks while looking her up and down with a raised eyebrow. "Biker, duh." She answers with a smug grin, mentioning to her whole gear. Gabe rolls his eyes at that. "Making it easy for you, huh?" He comments but Ezra only smiles at him innocently. "So..who's driving with who?" I ask, which makes everyone look at me. "Well..I thought you could drive with me?" Ezra speaks up, making me turn to her immediately. "I have an extra helmet?" She adds while holding it up, grinning at me. I can see Gabe glance at her while wiggling his eyebrows but she just plays it off.

"Okay." I say to Ezra as I walk over to her. A big grin appears on her face. "Awesome. So let's meet at the house, right?" Ezra says and Gabe, Ricky and Ethan nod. "See you guys in a bit." Ricky says before making his way to his car with the others. Now it's just Ezra and me. "And you're a good driver?" I ask while raising my eyebrow at her. I did not mean to sound this..flirty but maybe she's into it? Ezra snorts at that and leans up and closer to me. "I'm the best you can find." She whispers almost seductively, making my face turn super red.

"Need help to get on?" She then asks and I nod embarrassedly. So she holds her hand out for me and I take it. Then she helps me up on the bike, behind her, and then hands me the other helmet. "There are microphones in it, so we can talk." Ezra says before putting on her helmet. I nod slowly and then put it on as well. "I don't know how to close it.." I mumble embarrassedly and I can hear her chuckle at that. On that she turns around, so we're sitting face to face. "Let me help you.." she brings her hands up to my face and closes the helmet and puts it on correctly. Her fingers brush against my chin and neck, sending shivers through my body.

"All set." Ezra says with a smile and then puts her visor down and then mine. After turning around she starts the engine and starts to drive. Immediately I wrap my arms around her waist tightly, which makes her chuckle. "Yeah, hold on tight." Ezra tells me, patting my hands for a second with her left hand. That action makes my heart race. Jesus, Hanna, get a grip!
I just need to relax, we're friends, just friends.

After a few minutes of driving I lay my chin down on her shoulder and slightly un tighten my grip on her waist. This feels like that on scene from 'how to train your dragon'. Romantic flight, yes, that's the scene. "Do you like it?" Ezra suddenly ask, bringing me out of my thoughts. "It's really fun actually." I answer with a big smile. Ezra leans back, into me a little and places her left hand on my hands again. Somehow this made our vibe shift. "Are your hands cold?" She asks softly, steering with her other hand. "A little." I mumble, slightly wrapping my fingers around hers. Now we're kind of holding hands and it makes my heart beat so fast.

"Excited for your first frat party?" Ezra asks curiously but I just shrug. "I guess? I don't know, I'm not really a party girl." I answer and she squeezes my hand at that. "Yeah, me neither. But we can just stick together and hang out, if you want." She tells me and I smile at that. "I'd like that."

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