Chapter 3 - Hanna

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| October 13th | Wednesday |

It's been a month since college started and it's going amazing so far! I can't believe I already made so many friends this early. I also didn't have so many problems with paparazzi or fans. The first week or two was a little exhausting because everyone kept asking me questions or asked for pictures but now it barely happened anymore.

I've been hanging out with Gabe and his friends a lot these past few weeks and they're all great and super funny. Because of that I'm not hanging out that much with Chloe and Amanda. We're still around each other a lot and hang out, just not everyday but I guess that's normal. They also made friends but I don't really like them. Or well..I don't really now them but the vibe they give off is just..weird. I don't know how to explain it.

It's currently 7.45AM and I just got ready for my first classes, which are art history. When I walk out of the bathroom, Chloe and Amanda are laying on Chloe's bed, watching tik tok. "What are your plans for the weekend?" Chloe asks and I shrug. "Don't have any, why?" I respond while sitting down next to them. "Well we thought we could go to the movies? The three of us haven't hung out in a while." Amanda says and I smile widely at that. "I'd like that." I answer, making them both smile. "But I have to go to class now." I groan after a few minutes and then get up from the bed again. "See you guys later." I smile at them one more time before grabbing my bag and then leave.

When I enter the lecture room I spot Gabe and Hanna in the back row. Gabe's eyes land on me and he waves me over to them. I smile as I make my way over to them and then sit down next to Gabe. I'm not sure why we're all having the same classes, considering we're all in different years but I think they mentioned on the first day that you don't have some classes ranked on what year you in but what kind of class you chose. So basically we all write the same tests and get the same work but, for example, I have new things next years while the seniors already graduated. It's weird and complicated but I don't complain, since I get to have lectures with Gabe and the others.

"Hey." I greet them both with a smile and they greet me back. While Gabe smiles at me Ezra just mutters a 'Hi' back. I can't figure her out yet. I get along well with Gabe, Ricky and Ethan but Ezra doesn't seem to like me. Or at least she's very distant and doesn't really try to get to know me. But I'm not letting her write me off like that because I think she's really cool and I want to be her friend. But she also sexually confused me a lot. She's so..ugh! I never knew my type, I didn't even know I had one. But Ezra just gets me so nervous and flustered and she's not even doing anything. Either I'm just overwhelmed by being around so many gay people and or I have a problem!


"Okay, everyone. Before I dismiss you I have an announcement." Our professor says to us. Now everyone is listening carefully. "Like at every start to the year we're going to do partner projects." He announces and everyone starts to cheer at that. Except Ezra. She just groans annoyed before putting her head down on the table. "I already paired you up. You can check who your partner is on your phones in the college app." The professor tells us before ending the lesson. Everyone quickly takes out their phones and check.

"Awesome, my partner is Ricky!" Gabe exclaims excitedly and Ezra shoots him a suspicious grin at that. "Planning on hitting on my guy?" Ezra asks while crossing her arms, raising her eyebrows at him. Gabe snorts at that. "I would never." He and Ezra chuckle. "So who are your partners?" Gabe asks curiously, glancing between us. When I see who it is my eyes widen. I slowly look to Ezra, who's already looking at me. "Well I guess you're stuck with me for a while." She says, pressing her lips together and slapping on the table before standing up. "I'll text you later." She says to me before leaving.

Gabe slowly turns to me. "You two are paired up?" He asks surprised and I nod with a small shrug. "I guess so." I mumble as we both get up as well. "She really doesn't like me, does she?" I sigh while walking out of the room with him. Gabe immediately shakes his head. "Ezra just needs more time to trust someone and be comfortable around them. She went through a lot in her life, so she's very careful, that's all." He tells me and I nod slowly, pressing my lips together. "Don't think of it too much. I already know you two will be great friends. And hey, maybe you'll win her over when you two hang out for your project." Gabe adds with small smirk, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

Since we have an hour break we decided to go hang out in my dorm. "But am I the only one who has noticed this..sexual tension between you two?" He suddenly says while flopping down on my bed,which makes my eyes widen and my cheeks heat up. "What?! No!" I exclaim embarrassedly but he just laughs at me. "Oh come on. The way you two keep glancing at each other and all is just obvious." Gabe continues and by now I'm hiding behind my hands to hide my red face. "It's nothing bad! You two are just horny for each other!" I groan at his words. "We're not!" I exclaim embarrassedly but all I get from him is a glare. "Sure.."

We're not horny for each other, right?

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