Whatever It Takes

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Zephyr paced anxiously as she stood near DeShawn, her nose in the air as she scented the danger coming from the van she had already signaled there was nothing else she could do right now. “Zephyr halt, ” DeShawn commands softly and she does as told, looking at him awaiting further instructions.

“Hey what have you got,” JD's demanding voice rings out and Zephyr only turns her head slightly to greet him. She had a bad feeling about the turnout of this. Why had they had to call Jim before they made sure there wasn't a bomb. “Any movement?” he continues.

Evie sighs, “Not yet,” and JD seems to get more upset Zephyr looks back to DeShawn waiting for any other trigger word that lets her out of the position she was in. This was a dangerous game they were playing. It felt like Afghanistan all over again.

“Are you sure that's it,” he sounds a bit skeptical, his tone hard like those of men long in Zephyr's past. He was terrified, trying to act brave and she knew why. His little boy was in danger. It was always terrifying when children were involved in their line of work.  Her head turns back to the van, the air in front of it filled with that ghastly smell she wished she could forget.

“Bomb squad have a throw bot, Zephyr signaled, they're taking a closer look into it,” Evie reports and a tense silence filled the air. Zephyr knew there was more to this, her senses heightened by adrenaline. Where was her owner when she needed her?

Finally, JD broke the silence turning toward Evie with worry, “What is it,” he asks and Evie takes a baited breath, her hand absentmindedly reaching to pet Zephyr's broadhead.

The bot's picking up what sounds like… a muffled human voice in the back of the van,” she says her voice  sounding nervous, all three bracing for JD to blow up at them. It had been happening a lot recently after all. Tensions were high because of his son being abducted, and rightfully so.

“Jack's in there?” He says looking between Evie and DeShawn. There was a tone in his voice, a tone of warning, one that Mackey used quite often back when she had first saved Zephyr. She didn't like it, that voice was bad.

“Boss, “ Evie warns fully, they didn't even know if his son was in there yet. The three knew they couldn't go in their half cocked not with a potential bomb threat, not with Zephyr's warning. If they got too close a bomb could kill them all.

“My son is in that van,”

“We don't know yet–” DeShawn starts but is interrupted by JD yelling at the three of them. Zephyr stood stock still tail down her paws slightly spreading because she had a bad feeling she would have to do something extremely stupid if it came down to this. If Mackey knew what she was thinking about doing right about now she would kill her. Her owner would never give the command.

“What are you standing around here for” JD exclaims in irritation, his eyes ablaze in a way Zephyr had only seen twice before. Yep, she was going to have to do this, "What's wrong with you people, “ he continued and in a blink of an eye he started heading towards the van.

“JD,* DeShawn calls and glances at Zephyr before he even says the command she gallops after him feeling bad for what she had to do next, but he was the idiot who ran into a possible bomb zone. She couldn't let what happened to Sergeant happen again.

Once she was close enough she leaped on him with all her strength pinning him to the ground right at the nick of time as the van blew, debris flying way too close for Zephyr's liking. “You're a dumbass, you know that,” the dog huffs although she knew he wouldn't understand her.


“What do you think you were doing,” Michelle demands, a dangerous glint in her eye, Zephyr knew better than to mess with, “Why in your right mind would you go into a zone, my ex-marine bomb dog signaled as active,” she questions. Michelle may seem scary or mad but Zephyr knew she was scared, terrified actually, it always astounded the dog that one emotion could come out as so many others.

“My son could have been in there, “ JD tries to reason but is silenced when Michelle brings her hand down on the table hard, with a thud. Zephyr backed up slightly only in the blue moon did Mackey get that upset. Not at her, not at anyone.

“But he wasn't, and by your hot headedness you nearly killed yourself and Zephyr,” she continues her voice rising with her anger and the dog can feel Michelle's gaze on her specifically at her hind leg that had been injured while protecting JD. It could've been worse, both dog and owner knew that,  but it had still shaken Michelle enough to give JD a piece of her mind.

“I’m fine Mackey, Zephyr saved me, she's just a dog, it's her job to protect people from bombs. Meanwhile, that could've been my son! I wasn't going to leave him there,” JD exclaims disregarding their boss’s worry  and there is a flare in her eyes if JD wasn't already minorly injured, Zephyr was pretty sure Michelle would do it for him, she still might.

“Zephyr isn't just a dog, she's a marine and her input should be respected as such, she's a bomb dog JD! When she signals that means there is an active bomb, you don't run into those!” she exclaims her worry is still evident in her voice. She was upset, for good reason and JD was upset for good reason, she didn't know who's side she was on.

“I told you to take a step back and let me lead,” Mackey's voice lowered considerably as she ran a hand through her dark curls, her eyes growing wary, the fight leaving her as she looked JD straight in the eyes. I need you to trust me,” she continues before thinking and then gestures to Zephyr, “us. We'll get your son back, but you're not helping by going in half cocked, and injuring the scent dog,” she sighs.

“So take a deep breath,” she instructs her voice steady as she watches him closely, “Alright, do you believe Zephyr and I will do whatever we can to find your son?” It's a standalone question, an important one, if JD didn't trust them to do their jobs, it wouldn't end well.

The air is baited for a moment before JD sags, “Yes I do,” he murmurs his reply and Michelle nods her head looking at her companion animal.

“Good, because we will JD, mark my words we will get your son back,” she told him before walking away from the conference area beckoning Zephyr to come along with one last glance Zephyr makes eye contact and for the first time she feels an actual connection.

Don't worry JD, we'll find that son of a bitch,”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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