Chapter 11

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The next morning Chelsea woke to an empty bed and a note on the pillow. After reading the note she wondered what her friend was doing to Calvin but didn't care to think about it. Chelsea got out of bed and made her way into the kitchen and grabbed a plate of waffles that Ashley had made for her. In the little monster room, Ashley was teaching Calvin a lesson about respecting other people's things. Calvin is on the floor with a few cuts to his face and broken ribs.

"Now what will you never do again." Ashley growled and grabbed Calvin by the hair.

"Touch what is yours!" Calvin yelled out in pain.

Ashley threw Calvin to the floor and said,

"What else."

"That Chelsea is special and not just anyone and I deserve to die for what I did to her and what I planned to do to her." Calvin gasped out.

"Yes, you do." Ashley spat out.

Calvin regained his feet and just prepared himself for the next attack as Ashley approached him. Ashley smirked when she saw Calvin flinch as she got closer.

"You almost forced me to do something I refuse to do so I will be gracious enough to let you live because her freedom is still intact, but you will stay in this room until I see fit." Ashley growled out and left the room locking the door behind her.

Ashley headed into the kitchen having worked up an appetite and went right to the sink to wash the blood off her hands avoiding Chelsea's stare.

"Are you ok?" Chelsea asked.

"I'm fine." Ashley replied as she dried her hands.

"Please tell me you didn't kill him." Chelsea said.

"I didn't." Ashley said as she walked up to where Chelsea was sitting and wrapped her arms around Chelsea's waist and placed her head on Chelsea's shoulder.

Chelsea put down her fork and inspected Ashley's hands.

"I know what he did was despicable but please don't kill him." Chelsea whispered.

"What he did was unforgiveable and almost forced me to bond with you just to keep him from touching you again." Ashley spat.

Chelsea just played with Ashley's hands and stayed silent.

"Maybe it would be best if you stayed away for a while." Ashley whispered.

"We both know that won't last." Chelsea whispered back.

"The more time we spend together the more I feel the need to bond with you to keep you safe and you deserve a shot at real love." Ashley mumbled.

"But we do love each other." Chelsea murmured.

"Not in the way the bond expects." Ashley whispered then nipped Chelsea's neck where she fed from.

"But we are different, and I believe we won't muddle real love with animal instinct." Chelsea replied.

Ashley nipped Chelsea's neck again causing goose bumps.

"Your body's reaction to a simple nip says otherwise." Ashley whispered.

Chelsea turned in Ashley's arms and gave Ashley a determined and stubborn look and said,

"So, what if my body feels more drawn and attuned to you I am capable of separating love and lust."

"Are you saying I can't?" Ashley challenged.

"Only one way to find out." Chelsea replied.

"No and that's final." Ashley said and stepped back.

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