Chapter 9

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A few days later Chelsea woke in the morning with a start and the memories of Ashley crept back which caused her to scream out in pain from all the emotions the memories invoked. When Chelsea was able to compose herself, she got dressed and stormed out of her house and into her car and drove away with a specific destination in mind. Calvin woke to a horrible noise and once he was somewhat coherent, he realized it was the doorbell. Calvin was confused since the house was away from the major populace of the area and he made it a point to not befriend humans. He glanced at the clock and saw how early in the day he was, realizing it was only a couple hours into his daytime sleep. So, whoever was on the other side of that door was persistent and determined because they continued to ring the doorbell and pound on the door, so Calvin got out of bed and made his way over to the front door.

"I'm coming no need to break the damn door!" Calvin shouted.

When Calvin opened the door his still sleep-addled mind couldn't quite comprehend the person standing on his front porch.

"Hello Calvin surprised to see me?" Chelsea asked as she pushed past Calvin to enter the house.

"Wh...." Calvin stammered out, still a bit confused as to who was now shoving their way into the house.

"To be honest I can't answer that all I know is this morning I woke up and my memories of Ashley came flooding back." Chelsea replied with a shrug of her shoulders.

Calvin closed the front door and continued to stare at Chelsea.

"So where is she?" Chelsea asked.

Calvin came to his senses and said,

"A place she can't hurt anyone."

"Is she here?" Chelsea asked.

"If you must know yes but it's not safe to be near her." Calvin replied.

Chelsea began to walk around the house and when she found the door to the room that kept Ashley she gasped and asked in a whisper,

"What's wrong with her?"

"The consequence of erasing the memories of her." Calvin replied.

Chelsea looked over her shoulder at Calvin and said,

"I have my memories back shouldn't she be ok then."

"Your ability to retrieve memories is a rare gift unheard of and as I have witnessed you two have something even rarer and that is a soul-deep bond and taking the memories of her away fractured that bond and in its place darkness and insanity crept in." Calvin replied.

Chelsea turned back and said,

"Let me in with her."

"Not a chance that girl in there is not the girl you loved that girl is gone and over time she may be ok, and I can feel safe enough to let her out of that room but if you go in there you are considered prey." Calvin said with a hint of anger.

"I believe our situation doesn't fit the usual mold as you said I am different, so I am going to believe so is she." Chelsea responded.

Calvin stared at Chelsea for a moment then asked,

"Does anyone know where you were going or a general idea?"

"No, I left so fast I never answered anyone's questions." Chelsea replied.

Calvin sighed in defeat and instructed Chelsea on what to do with her car and belongings. When Chelsea returned Calvin stood by the door to the room Ashley was in.

"I'm going to give her something to eat to hope that will curb her bloodlust and give you even the slightest chance of making it out of that room alive." Calvin said.

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