Chapter 10

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A little while later Calvin woke Chelsea up to eat.

"Chelsea wake up I brought you some food to help regain your strength." Calvin whispered.

Chelsea opened her eyes and noticed the tray of food Calvin was holding. Chelsea untangled herself from Ashley and sat up in bed and took the tray from Calvin.

"Thank you." Chelsea whispered.

"Just eat up and I will be around if you need anything." Calvin whispered then left the room.

Chelsea began to eat the food on the tray trying to be as quiet as possible so she didn't wake up Ashley.

"That looks good." Ashley said as she sat up in bed.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you." Chelsea whispered.

"You didn't don't worry." Ashley replied.

Chelsea offered Ashley a piece of her food but Ashley just shook her head then got up from the bed.

"Where are you going?" Chelsea asked.

"Just to talk to Calvin you stay in bed and finish eating you need your strength." Ashley said as she left the room.

Ashley walked into the kitchen to find Calvin making himself dinner. Calvin turned around when he heard footsteps and gave Ashley a small smile.

"How are you feeling?" Calvin asked as he turned back to making his food.

"Pretty good." Ashley replied.

"That would be the fresh blood making you feel that way." Calvin replied with a bit of malice.

"Please no lectures today." Ashley groaned.

"You deserve far more than a lecture you deserve a good beating and what the hell were you thinking feeding from her when you know your far from the right frame of mind." Calvin chastised.

"I warned her of what could happen and she still gave herself." Ashley growled out.

"Do you hear yourself right now she is not some random person you picked up from a bar she is someone you claim to love and to disrespect her body that way you know is asking for a harsh punishment!" Calvin shouted.

Chelsea heard shouting and raised voices and knew the talk wasn't going well. Ashley just stood and glared at Calvin not trusting herself to speak.

"Even worse you hooked your canines into her and we both know a Reborn only does that if they plan on draining their victim.... Gosh damn it Ashley don't you see how your actions are hurting her!" Calvin shouted and slammed a fist onto the counter.

"I never meant for that to happen my bloodlust took over and I couldn't stop myself!" Ashley shouted back.

"You should have known better then to feed from her in the first place knowing your mind and self control are nowhere near what they should be." Calvin snapped.

Chelsea couldn't handle listening to anymore shouting and left the bedroom and went to the kitchen.

Stop it both of you!" Chelsea shouted as she walked into the kitchen.

Ashley and Calvin turned toward Chelsea with guilty looks on their faces. Ashley stepped toward the other girl but Chelsea put a hand up to halt her movement.

"Calvin I appreciate your concern for my safety but it was my choice to let Ashley feed from me and yes she did warn me so I only have myself to blame for it getting out of control." Chelsea said.

Ashley gave Calvin a smug smile but one look from Chelsea wiped it off her face.

"You better wipe that smug smile off your face because yes you did warn me but you could have just ignored my begging and pleading and left." Chelsea chastised.

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