Chapter 2

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The next morning Ashley woke up and ran to the bathroom and threw up into the toilet. Once she emptied what little was in her stomach and was filled with dread when she saw she threw up blood a lot of blood. Ashley flushed the toilet and washed her hands then brushed her teeth to get rid of the taste of blood out of her mouth. She then left the bathroom and was greeted by her mom right in front of the door.

"Honey, are you ok I heard you throwing up?" Carol asked in concern.

"I must have a flu bug or something." Ashley replied.

"Well go get back to bed and I will get you some water." Carol said.

Ashley just nodded and headed back to her room and lay back down.

A few minutes later her mom came in with a glass of water and a thermometer to take her temperature.

"You have a slight fever so you can stay home, and rest and I will try to come home to check on you during my lunch hour." Carol told her.

"Don't worry about me I will be fine on my own." Ashley responded.

Carol chuckled and said,

"If it wasn't for the fact, you let Chelsea stay and take care of you the last few days, I would believe you so I will be back to check on you at lunch and I won't hear any arguments."

Ashley just nodded and watched her mom leave the room. Sebastian saw his mom leave Ashley's room and said,

"How is the baby?"

"Please not now and your sister has a fever, and she threw up so do not bother her today." his mother warned him.

"Ok alright I have a class in the afternoon so she will be alone to rest." Sebastian replied.

Carol just nodded and said,

"I will be back during my lunch hour to check on her."

Sebastian just nodded and went toward the kitchen as his mother went to get ready for work. Ashley slipped in and out of consciousness and felt her body become sore all over. She remembered her mother coming home during her lunch hour and getting her to drink water, but it felt all a haze in her mind. Ashley woke in the evening and made her way to the kitchen. She went over to the fridge and saw a note informing her that Sebastian would be gone for the night and her mom would be working late.

Ashley sighed and opened the fridge and was drawn to the raw steaks her mother must have bought. Her eyes were drawn to the bloody looking juices in the packaging and her body as if on auto pilot grabbed the package out of the fridge and ripped into it and began to drink the juices that pooled at the corner of the package. The juices didn't give her the satisfaction she was hoping for, so Ashley ripped open the fridge door with such ferocity she almost ripped the door off the hinges. Ashley began to rummage through the other contents of the fridge in search of something to sate the hunger but came up empty handed and slammed the door shut. Her brain began to go into overdrive trying to come up with ways to sate the undying hunger she felt. When no clear plan came to mind Ashley screamed out in frustration and punched the wall next to the fridge. So much rage was coursing through her veins she didn't even flinch from the pain in her hand from hitting the wall.

Once Ashley calmed down and took in her surroundings, she groaned at the mess she made of the steak and knew she better replace the meat before her mom came home. She collected all the meat and packaging into a plastic bag and headed outside and put it into the trash can. Once she was back inside Ashley went to her room to grab some clean clothes and went and took a shower. Once she was ready, she grabbed her purse and grabbed out her car keys and headed to her car.

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