Chapter 5

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The next morning Ashley woke up in pain and when she opened her eyes, she noticed the curtains on her bedroom window were open and the sunlight that was coming through was burning her skin. She jumped out of bed, ran to the window, and closed the curtains but not before having another sliver of sunlight hit her hand and caused her to hiss in pain. Once Ashley closed the curtains, she stood in relief but noticed the angry welts and blistering on her arms and the forming welt and slight blistering on her hand. Chelsea began to stir so Ashley rushed over to her closet and found a sweater to slip over her body to hide her injuries.

"Why are you already up I need my pillow to come back to bed." Chelsea said in a sleepy voice and yawned.

"Well, your pillow has things to do so I guess you better go find a new one." Ashley said as she looked at her sleepy friend.

"I guess I could go see if Sebastian is still in bed, he would make a comfy pillow." Chelsea said.

"Have fun with that." Ashley replied not willing to play into the other girl's game.

"Ugh why are you being agreeable this morning you are supposed to get offended then come back to bed to be my pillow." Chelsea whined.

"Your tricks won't persuade me today so better go see if my brother will be your willing victim." Ashley replied.

"Fine I will do just that." Chelsea responded and stuck out her tongue and hopped out of the bed and headed toward the bedroom door.

Ashley watched Chelsea's retreating figure curious to see how far Chelsea would take her little game. Chelsea walked down the hall to Sebastian's room with Ashley not far behind. Chelsea opened Sebastian's door and smiled in delight when she saw he was indeed still in bed and then turned and gave her friend a mischievous smile and then turned to head into the room.

"Let's hope for your sake he is wearing boxers today because as I have been told some nights he prefers to sleep naked." Ashley whispered.

Chelsea paused and looked back at Ashley and with a smirk whispered,

"Then I will be getting a deal today a new pillow and a morning romp in the sheets."

Ashley stood dumbstruck at the other girl's response and wondered if her friend would try to sleep with her brother.

"Have fun." Ashley said, turned, and walked back toward her bedroom.

Chelsea watched Ashley's retreating figure knowing her teasing hurt the other girl, but her friend should know she would never sleep with her brother and this odd behavior was just another thing she had noticed different about her friend.

Chelsea took one more look at Sebastian's sleeping form then to where Ashley retreated into her bedroom and decided she had her fun and headed back toward her friend's bedroom. Chelsea opened the bedroom door and saw Ashley lying on her bed and Chelsea walked into the room and made her way over to the bed.

"My brother must have made a world record because that was fast." Ashley said.

Chelsea just sighed in defeat and climbed into the bed and laid down next to the other girl and placed her head on Ashley's shoulder and then lifted Ashley's shirt a bit and began to absentmindedly trace her fingers against the other girl's skin.

"I don't know what has gotten into you, but it needs to stop." Chelsea said with a bit of hurt in her voice.

"Nothing has gotten into me." Ashley snapped.

"That anger in your voice is what I am talking about I don't know what I have done for you to treat me so." Chelsea said feeling her eyes begin to water.

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