Everlasting Love Finds A Way

Start from the beginning

"Remus," the man said, extending his large hand towards Regulus after he had placed the books in the middle. "I own this bookshop—well, run this bookshop. It belongs to my Aunt Minerva."

"I'm Regulus... How come I've never seen you here before? I've been a regular for the past couple of years," he said, cocking his head to the right.

"My best friend and I just moved back to the neighbourhood after finishing our education," Remus explained with a smile. "Are you a student?"

"Yes, I'm studying psychology, but right now, I need to research soulmate marks and their history." Remus scoffed under his breath, and Regulus furrowed his brow when he heard the sound. "Is anything wrong?"

"Oh, no, it's nothing," Remus said quickly, but his thin lips were pursed in irritation.

"Tell me. I'm curious as to why you made that sound." A small grin was visible on Regulus' angular face.

"It's just that... I don't... like the concept of soulmates. No offence, but I believe it takes away our choice to choose our life partner." Remus' shoulders were tense, ready to begin defending his opinion, but Regulus surprised him.

He gasped and covered his mouth with his hand. "You believe that, too? I've never met anyone who believes the same thing I do! You're right, Remus. Life is about making mistakes and learning from them, and if you find your soulmate—with only a mark that shows you where they'll touch you—how will you learn from your bad experiences?"

Remus' eyes widened as he leaned closer and said, "Oh, God! I can't believe you think the same! If I didn't know any better, I'd say we're soulmates."

Regulus burst into hearty guffaws and Remus soon joined in. Regulus wiped the tears from his eyes. "I'd agree if I believed in that nonsense. Say, would you like to grab a cup of coffee after I'm done here? I'd love to hear about your ideas."

"Sure, I'd love that. James—that's my best friend—is obsessed with finding his soulmate. We always get into heated debates and end up mad at each other, so this will be incredibly refreshing," Remus said with a smile so wide that it stretched from ear to ear.

"My brother, Sirius, is the same," Regulus admitted, shaking his head. "Sometimes, I wonder how I'm related to him. He's such a hopeless romantic! Just this morning, he said that the reason soulmates existed was to show us that the world wasn't full of crap."

"James has said the exact same thing! Weird..." Remus murmured, walking over to the towering shelves and looking for the books Regulus required. "Is your brother... into men?"

"Yeah... You reckon they're soulmates?"

Remus grinned and shrugged. "Only one way to find out."

"We should set them up."

"Let's make our plans over coffee." Their grins were equally mischievous as they shook hands.

The bell chimed as the door opened, and James Potter turned away from his table, where he sat sketching, to look at the man who had just entered. "How may I help you, sir?"

The black-haired man glanced at the framed tattoo designs on the wall, the large swivelling chairs and the clean marble floors. His shoulders relaxed when he saw James' warm and inviting smile. He said, "Yeah, I've got an appointment with James Potter today. It's under the name of Sirius Black."

James nodded and extended his hand towards him, and Sirius' heart leapt in hope when he saw James' black palm.

James noticed it too, and the two men not-so-subtly tried to touch the other's mark, wondering if they would change colour, but the marks remained black.

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