"Gabby?" Why was she here? Just to stare at his abs? Was she aroused? He swore she was

She finally looked up and met his gaze. He felt like his world was rocked as he stared at her. His entire focus and that of his cat's was on her. Everything else for the moment ceased to exist.

"I, Gabrielle Remington, reject you Dominic Beckham as my mate."

His mouth dropped open as he stared at her in shock. What? No. This could not be happening and she was trying to reject him? He needed a moment to think. This was all happening way too fast and he did the only thing he could think of. He shut the door in her face.

He felt bad about it immediately but at the same time his mind was reeling. Never in a million years had he thought he would have a mate. He'd had moments when he wanted one, especially when he saw the relationships here at Regal Eclipse. But now he was confronted with one and she didn't want it. He ran his hands through his dark hair and for the first time in a long time he felt completely out of control.

She knocked on the door again and he frowned, not really wanting to open it back up. She'd rejected him and she wanted him to accept it. Why did it hurt so badly that she'd done that? He ran his hands through his hair in exasperation. She'd taken the decision away from him.

She knocked again and he opened it staring at her, still trying to wrap his head around the fact that he actually had a mate.

"Accept it." She demanded, annoying him even more

His stare turned into a glare and he reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her into his room and shutting the door. She had a lot of nerve.

"Please. Just accept it." She'd been crying, he realized and it broke his heart. She was too young to go through this heartbreak. But then another thought occurred to him. She was five years past her 18th birthday. Had she known all this time? That made him angry.

He turned to her and stepped closer to her. She took a step back and he kept coming until her back was against his door. He stopped inches away, standing over her, his hand resting on the door as he stared down at her. "How long?" he demanded.

"Just tonight."

When she'd seen him in Daniel's office? She was lying. He could tell she was lying and that annoyed him even more. There was no way she hadn't known. Maybe they hadn't seen each other but they both lived here. His scent would have called to her wolf. He wasn't stupid. "The truth, Gabby." He glared down at her.

"I've suspected since I turned eighteen," she admitted.

"Five freaking years??!!" He leaned in closer to her. She was so beautiful. "I haven't seen you since you started college. Is this why?"

Her eyes were beginning to water and he wondered if he was being too harsh. He was angry though, angry that she had avoided him all of this time. Angry that she'd kept this from him and then thrown it in his face along with a rejection.


He closed his eyes and shook his head. "Why tonight? Because you can't avoid me anymore?"

"I just wanted to get it over with." She was looking past him now and into his room.

Over with. She didn't want this. Why did that hurt so bad? "So you don't want to be mated to me."

"You don't want to be mated. Could you please back off?"

"No. You just assume whatever you want and show up at my door in the middle of the night demanding I reject you without caring what I think, or how I feel about any of it. That kind of hurts." He saw the disbelief in her eyes and it annoyed him even more. Did she think he wasn't hurt by this?

"Please do it."

He was through. She wasn't listening to him really and he was too furious to think straight. He straightened and grabbed the door knob, opening the door. "Get out."

She frowned. "Dominic.."

"Get. Out. Now."

She huffed at him, but left his room. He slammed the door shut behind her, then turned to pace the room.

A mate. Of all the things in the world he'd expected, a mate was not one of them. Werewolves mated for life. Panthers didn't. Why did he have a mate? Was that why he'd been so fixated on her today?

It annoyed him so much that she'd taken matters into her own hands and blindside him with it. She hadn't even given him time to process it at all. She'd just waltzed in here, dropped the mother of all bombs on him and expected him to just go along with her devious plan.

He threw himself down on his bed and stared at the ceiling. A mate was the last thing he'd expected. After how many years of life? He wasn't even sure anymore. Too many. And then to be blindsided by this.

He'd never been a one woman man. Ever. He'd never dated. He loved women. They were beautiful and every one was different. He loved their curves, and loved the sex. Could he commit to one? He didn't know. He'd never had to make that decision before. But he knew if he did commit to her, it would be forever.

He could feel the bond too, already and it freaked him out a bit. He needed to get out of here. Thoughts of Gabrielle Remington invaded his mind and he knew he had to leave.

He got back up, packed a bag, and left the  pack house, jumping in his car and took off, before shooting a text to his Alpha. He needed some time.

The Princess's Unwanted Mate (Book 8 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now