Author's Note

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Welcome to Scandalous Deal. Thank you for choosing this book , it means a lot to me and I'll try not to disappoint ya'll.

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This book is purely a work of fiction and any similarities made to a place , name , thing or person is purely coincidental. All rights to this book wholly belongs to me and shall not be copied. This book does contain some sexual scenes which are not advised to be read by readers below 18. It took a lot of effort to write this book and to come up with the plotline for it , hence no hate will be tolerated. If the book does not entertain you , kindly find something up to your taste.

Constructive criticism is always welcome though.

I also have an insta account where I post content, updates and reels about my books. It's handle is @nyrawritessss. Follow if you want.

- Please read before diving into the book

The characters in this book are not perfect by any means. They are still teenagers and are not subjected to behave like adults. They do stupid things and make mistakes because that's how I wanted to potray real teenagers in today's world.

●The setting of the book is in Delhi , India. So, there might be references you won't get if you are not from around here. DM me and I'll be more than happy to explain.

● There is a slight age gap in the MMC and FMC's age. She is a freshmen while he is a senior , it's about 3 years. The religion the characters follow is Hindu , I picked this as I follow the same and am comfortable writing about it. No hate will be tolerated to the religion. At all.

● The college system and classes may not be true in all of India , it was just what I have personally experienced and so written according to that. Feel free to correct me if I use any wrong terminologies.

● I am Indian and there will be a few Hindi dialogues here and there but I will provide translations to them too.

● The MMC has severe abandonment issues and it shows in the way he chose to act. The trauma of his past is a bit graphic , read at your own risk. Trigger warnings will be mentioned, if any.

● Lastly , please remember that this book is supposed to be enjoyable and a light fun read that you all can relate to. Hating on my characters is literally pointless,  they are fictional after all.

-With that I hope you all will enjoy this book despite the errors I'll end up doing.

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