2. Can't you control for a while?

Start from the beginning

"Oh hello! You are missing the train," shouted Taehyung from the door of the train.

He didn't get any response. A helpful stranger approached Taehyung, inquiring about Jungkook's whereabouts.

"Is he with you?" asked the man. Taehyung didn't reply and shouted again, "Hello!"

"What is his name?" asked the man. Taehyung didn't reply but shouted, "Four eyes, listen!"

"Is his name four-eyes?" asked the man. Taehyung got irritated with him and said, "Shut up, man!"

Jungkook still hadn't responded, so he stepped out of the train and approached Jungkook, who was now sitting on a bench. He tapped on his shoulder.

"The train..." he tried to say while panting heavily. Jungkook looked at him but didn't say anything.

Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but he said, "You will miss the train."

Jungkook turned his face away from him. Taehyung got irritated at seeing his behavior. "Go to hell," he said.

He ran to catch the train as it had started moving. He was about to catch the train when he collided with a man and fell. He was again about to get up, but again slipped and fell on the platform. He got angry at seeing that Jungkook was looking at him but wasn't helping him. He got up and went to Jungkook to confront him. Now he is standing face-to-face with Jungkook.

"You bloody weirdo! You are so shameless. It is because of you that I missed the train. My mobile phone, my luggage-everything is left on the train. And I am standing in my night suit at an unknown station. Now, what will I do? Huh?" Yelled Taehyung.

"Did I tell you to step out of the train? Can't you mind your own business?" said Jungkook.

"Oh! So now it's my mistake. you are so shameless. I was helping you; instead of apologizing, you are showing me attitude. I will not leave you. Now it is your responsibility to take me to my house. You will have to take me to Busan that too with all my luggage; I am from Busan, don't try to act smart with me." declared Taehyung, keeping his hands on his waist.

Jungkook thought of something and started running away from Taehyung. Taehyung thought that he was escaping from the situation and started running behind him. Jungkook was running continuously and crossed over a policeman who was at the station. Taehyung was continuously shouting from behind to catch the man. On seeing the policeman failing to catch him, he got annoyed and said to the policeman, "Throw your uniform away."

He ran behind Jungkook and saw him standing near a taxi.

Jungkook told him, "Hurry over, so that we can reach the next stop, or else you will again miss the train."

Taehyung got happy and sat in the taxi. Jungkook also sat in the passenger seat.
The driver started driving, but by seeing his speed of driving, Jungkook and Taehyung were sure that they would reach the next stop by tomorrow.

Taehyung told Jungkook, "If he drives like this, then I'll reach Busan the next month."

"Stop the car!" commanded Jungkook.

The driver and Taehyung got confused. "What?" asked the driver. Jungkook repeated, "I said stop the car."

The driver stopped the car, and Jungkook stepped out of the car. Seeing him go out of the car, Taehyung assumed that he might need to pee.

"Can't you control for a while?" asked Taehyung, which Jungkook ignored. Jungkook opened the door of the driver seat and told the driver to go and sit in the passenger seat.

"What are you doing?" asked the driver. "Be quick. Go and sit on the passenger seat and let me drive the car," replied Jungkook.

"But..." said the driver, but Jungkook cut him off, saying, "Quick."

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