Twenty Four

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She looked like a ghost.

She stopped crying, but was completely out of it. She spent around ten minutes inside. Once out, she collapsed into my arms. I was slowly walking her back outside. She was mumbling something the whole time.

"I said so awful things to her... How can I ever forgive that... And now she's dead..." She repeated it. "What will happen now? I don't even know."

"She forgave you!" I noted. "Remember that she called yesterday! She said she loves you! And you told her the same! I promised... Whatever happens, we stay together! Even if the unthinkable... I will take care of you... If you want me to... Or I can take you to your grandparents. I will do anything! Just say the word! And stop blaming yourself..."

"I want to stay with you! I couldn't face her parents..." She whispered, barely audible. "The police will call them... They never liked me..."

"Okay, don't worry. We will figure it out!" I promised. Once we were outside, I led her to the car. We sat there for a while. "I won't leave your side. However long it takes! I know it will be rough... But we'll get through this together. No matter how busy It'll get! I'll have time for you!"

"Thank you..." She cried into my chest, hugging me tight. "You are the only one left... I wouldn't even know where to go now..."

I did not either, for that matter... We were in such a rush that all her stuff remained in the villa. Two hours away... I could have taken her to my house here... But I had to think about the paparazzi. Janice rented a room near the villa, so I could ask her to go over and grab some things before returning... Had to call her anyway, or she'd kill us both in short order. But there were so many things going on... I couldn't think straight. And she wouldn't let me go! I kept caressing her hair, as she pulled her knees to her chest. Something I haven't seen her do since the first time we met.

"She was a drug addict, since before I could remember..." She said after a while. "I knew it, but never tried to stop her. Like, it just seemed so natural. I hated it though. My grandparents also said, drugs are the devil, or some other nonsense... But I never would have thought It'd kill her."

"Yeah, she was already doing them when I met her." I noted. "I was doing them too, at the time... It was hard to get rid that shit later... I can imagine how hard it was for her. Probably most of the things she pulled, was to protect her supply of drugs too."

"So you could say, her schemes killed her..." She came to the conclusion. "If she wasn't that good at them... She couldn't afford all the shit... And she'd be still alive! Maybe... Nothing makes sense anymore..."

"We can't turn back time... I wish we could..." I whispered.

After a while, she started to empty her pockets. She put some random stuff on the dashboard. A lighter, a phone, car keys... I noticed something. Or rather, the lack of something. I didn't want to rush her, but I had to know! In a way, that was the most important thing at the moment... It could set the direction of our future together. Caressing her face, I asked.

"Did you find the test results?" She didn't answer. Just slowly nodded. I had to ask again, after a while. "Where are they? Did you take them?"

"I burned them to ashes..." She whispered, as if admitting a crime.

"Why?" I asked surprised, but careful not to upset her.

"I didn't want anyone to see..." She explained. "It could ruin your career and whatnot... We have to be careful, I know..."

"I mean... That's the least of my worries right now... But thank you for thinking about me!" I said, embracing her tighter. "But... Do you know the results? Did you see it before lighting it on fire?"

Again, no answer. Just a slow, barely noticable nod.

I was really curious... But seeing how fragile she was, I couldn't force it out of her. She was crying again already... She pulled away, turning to face me. It looked like she was making the hardest decision of her life. She took her time with it. Breathing heavily, she finally announced.

"It... It was... Negative!" She ended up shouting. Crying loudly, and dropping back into our hug... She wouldn't calm down. No matter how much I caressed or squeezed her. I started kissing her forhead instead. Her ears, cheeks, until she responded to those... With her own kisses! She cried out. "I'm so sorry... I wanted to stay with you forever!"

"We will stay together! I promised you, no matter what!" I repeated, over and over, finally adding. "I would never lie to you. We will always be honest! And we will always work it out together! Okay? Promise me!"

She was crying even louder now, becoming almost hysterical. Then, as if a flip was switched over, she looked into my eyes. Deeper than ever! She suddenly kissed my lips. Parting hers, probing with her sweet tongue. I let her inside... Her tongue twisted and twirled inside my mouth. Dancing with mine. There was no way to resist her. No reason to do so either! Our eyes closed, and the embrace tightened. I haven't had a french kiss in a decade... Forgot how passionate, and insane they can be. Could barely believe it was her first... It lasted a few minutes, before she finally pulled back. She struggled for air... Looking deep into my eyes, she told me.

"No more lies. Never again. I promise!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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