Twenty Two

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It was the weekend!

We've been together for an entire week by now. So many things happened! Would have been enough for a lifetime... Janice called early in the morning. Once I told her everything is fine, she spared us from coming over. It was her day off anyway. Dora and I stayed on the couch for long. I never let her go, and we woke up completely entangled.

I made us breakfast, then took her for a ride. We started our lessons from square one. But I was glad to see, that she wasn't afraid of the car! She got interested in dealing with all kinds of situations, and how to minimise damage after our accident. To have the best chance to survive. I was glad to share what I could, from my almost thirty years of experience. She was back on the road, speeding around like it's nobody's business! Then she insisted on showing off her guitar skills.

Well, not that they existed! She barely had any time to practice, but she was enthusiastic... Swore that she will learn her favourite songs and play them for me in a few days. Not that either of us had any idea, what'll happen in the near future... But we tried to be looking forward to it!

I took her to a really fancy restaurant for lunch. As it turned out, she did have some fancy dress! She brought three suitcase worth of clothing after all, and everything looked amazing on her! I couldn't resist, and took a photo together... Dressed up all nicely! Also promised, I would safeguard all our earlier pictures for her. Until things calmed down. We walked around in the city a bit, as if we were nobles on a date. Then went home, changed into our casual clothing and swimsuits, and ran into the waves together. It was a packed day! Rather idyllic, and we spent it all together! Not a single moment felt wasted. In the evening, we held a movie night.

The villa had multiple TV sets in almost every room. But it had one huge projector as well! I didn't it show off so far. It was an average action movie. Neither of us was really interested in it... But since we could spend the time together, close on the couch, we didn't complain...

"Do you have anything you played in?" She asked, once the movie ended. If we didn't agree on being completely honest from now on, I'd probably say I did not... This way, I had to sit through one of my own movies... I wasn't exactly starring, but had more than one lines in it... Cringing all the way through. She couldn't hold back her laughter either!

"As I said, there was a good reason I quit!" I said in the end, and she gave me a kiss as a consolation price. Just on the cheeks of course! We still had an agreement, that we wouldn't do anything until we got the test results back. But it was pointless to deny at this point, we both had feelings for each other. "Well, it's time to sleep. I had a great time today!"

"Me too!" She confessed, not letting my hand go. "Would it be okay, if I slept with you? I swear I won't try anything! Just like yesterday..."

I couldn't really say no to that. Although she still had a trick up her sleeve, I didn't expect. I took a quick shower, and came out in my boxers as usual. She went and used my bathroom as well, also returning in nothing, but her panties. I guess we agreed that being topless is allright...

Since I already saw, and even had a picture of her like that... But getting into bed this way felt like torture! She was adamant! I didn't really want to protest either... We finally climbed into bed, barely wearing anything... It was hard to fall asleep! Inhaling her sweet scent the whole time. I spooned her, caressing all that exposed skin... We kept talking, whispering about our plans and hopes and dreams.

It felt so natural, it scared me! How could I go to bed or sleep without hugging someone for all those years? She could really get people hooked.

I was hoping this idyllic moment would never end... But for the first time today, her phone started ringing. Her Mother was calling! She seemed a bit worried to pick it up... With a little push from me, she answered, and put it on speakers. There was a loud noise in the background. As if she was calling from a club. Her voice was odd too...

"Hey Sweetheart, how was your day?" She shouted through all the noise. "I'm so sorry about yesterday! You know I wasn't serious, right? Don't worry about anything! We'll sort it out! Although I hope you'll convince him not to take revenge on me, or something... But I'm all right!"

"Mom? Where are you?" Dora asked, looking a bit confused. "I'm sorry too! But are you drunk or something? I can barely hear you!"

"Yeah, maybe a little tipsy, don't worry!" Sue said, laughing. "We have a little party here... You know! I said I know a guy at that laboratory... Rushed them a little! So we are celebrating now... All fun and games!"

"Celebrating what? What was the result?" She asked, suddenly sitting up on the bed. I also wanted to know! But we could barely hear anything.

"Ah, I'll show you tomorrow! I'm a bit busy right now..." The line cut out for a moment. Then we heard her shout again. "It's not what you'd expect! But we'll figure it out... I just wanted you to know! I'm not mad, and everything's fine! I'll go back to party, you have fun too!"

"Okay, take care..." She said, then added after a pause. "Love you!"

"I love you too, Sweetheart!"

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