Twenty Three

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Now I was too excited to sleep.

"What did she mean?" I asked George. As if he would know my Mother better! "She was celebrating... That means..."

"Maybe she found something." He guessed, looking excited. "Which one would you prefer? Would you rather be my daughter, or...Um..."

"I... I don't know." I answered honestly. "I just want to be with you!"

We couldn't find out. Mom wouldn't pick up, or answer my texts. Both of us were conflicted. I'd rather be his lover! But could settle as a daughter.

He'd rather be my Daddy, though he couldn't deny his feelings... But he couldn't start a relationship with a sixteen year old. Right as his career was starting! We agreed, we'd stay in touch no matter what. That's how we fell asleep. In each other's arms. We had a restless night together... I had all kinds of weird dreams. Woke up in one side of the bed, hugging all the covers for myself... He was on the other side, laid out, uncovered.

I crawled back to him. Sharing the bedsheets, and hugging him again. He slowly woke up, hugging me back. This was meant to be our last day here. Probably in general too... At least for some time! I rested my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. He caressed my hair and sides.

His phone rang. Janice checked in on us as usual. Since it was all well, she let us be after a few seconds. He was the first to leave the bed, and ordered me to stay. He brought my breakfast for me! It was so sweet, I couldn't say no... We ate it together, and started planning our day. We didn't get too far... My phone rang this time! It was an unknown number. I didn't recognize the voice either.

"We are calling you from the county police. We were dispatched to a party that annoyed the neighbours." They got my attention. "We found multiple people with suspected drug abuse and no identification. We managed to identify some of them. But one was nonresponsive, and taken to a hospital. The only paper we found on her was an opened letter with the results of a paternity test. One of the tested party seems to be you. I would kindly ask you to head over to the county hospital, as soon as possible! We need you to identify this person for us! We can send a car for you, if it helps... Just give us an address!"

I was suddenly awake! But I couldn't comprehend, what they were talking about. I made them repeat it three times... Trying to puzzle the pieces together. I declined their ride, and hung up the phone. I looked at George, with tears already welling up. He was all dressed by that point. I rushed, to get my clothes too. It was a two hour drive from the villa. I tried calling my Mother's phone over and over... No response!

I still couldn't believe she was in a hospital. Even as George pushed the pedal to the metal, ignoring every and all speed limits, it felt an ethernity until we got there. Normally, this could have been the most awesome ride we had together. But I was completely out of it... He held my hand almost the entire time. But I barely noticed. Just kept dialling the same number, trying to reach her... My messages were left unread. I felt tears rolling down my face... But no sound came out of my mouth.

Once we arrieved, I rushed up to the entrance, and asked the reception where my Mom was. Of course they didn't know. I was called there to identify her after all. But a young police officer noticed me. Quickly figuring out what it was all about, he pointed me to the right direction. I ran faster than George could follow. Couldn't think about what would happen, if we're seen together in a busy hospital... But he followed me regardless. That was probably the only thing giving me strenght.

I went until I ran into another police officer. He was talking with a doctor at the moment. Once I told them who I was, they both went silent. I got pulled to the side... I was shaking at this point! If he didn't grab my shoulder, I might fall to the ground. The doctor spoke softly.

"We found her phone since. But we would still like it, if you could help us confirm her identity." He started. He told me the unthinkable. "She sadly passed away an hour ago. Drug overdose... Even though we tried to detox and revive her multiple times... There was nothing we could do to help her. I believe she was your Mother... My condolesces!"

I couldn't believe it. I just cried and cried. George tried to convince them, that I shouldn't do the identification. Or at least let him come with me... But they wouldn't let him. I wanted to do it alone anyway. There was no mistake. It was her! Covered with a white blanket, eyes closed... Her mouth in a smile as if she were but sleeping... I confirmed her identity to the officer. They gave me her personal belongings, what they found. I asked to be left alone for a few minutes. I didn't tell them to let George in.

I sorted through her stuff with my hands shaking. I found her phone with all my unanswered calls. Car keys, business cards, a lighter... But her wallet was missing. The most interesting item was a yellow envelope. Already opened, with a letter inside. I took it out, and could tell in a single glance what it was. I could barely see through my tears... But I tried to read it as fast as possible. I found the results between all the raw data.

With ninety-nine percent accuracy, the subjects are parent and child.

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