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I fell in love. Again.

Mom couldn't cook. My grandparents ate healthy, not tasty foods. The school put more attention on the education than on their mensa as well. The only comparable food I ate so far was in restaurants. And he was the one taking me to the best places so far... Yet this was on another level!

The hell was with this guy? How did he have no girlfriend or wife at this point?! And how could his ex, and even my Mom leave him? It was beyond me... And with every bite I wanted him more! Maybe I would have settled with him being my actual Dad too... If I could eat this every day! But I hoped we aren't actually related, so I can kiss him again...

He was oddly silent though. Maybe just enjoying his own food... Or tired. He called it a day soon after. I considered following him to his bed, but right after making that promise... It would have been rude, to say the least! But I wasn't tired at all... My fingers hurt from all the practice. It felt like I still couldn't play a single chord properly...

Instead, I took inventory of all the images we took so far. I made more in the last week than I usually did in an entire year. I didn't thought of myself as hot or photogenic. But after a little push, I got into it. When I saw his reactions... And told me I'm pretty... There was no stopping anymore! A few days earlier I couldn't even imagine myself, posing like this. Let alone flashing my tits... And even taking a picture of it! Maybe I've gone crazy... Mom pushed me to do it at the start. But I sure wasn't doing it for her sake anymore! I wanted to impress him somehow!

Seeing his reactions became my drug. I even fell asleep, thinking about him. I was dreaming about him! Something very weird, but I forgot everything by the time I woke up. And it was a Thursday now. We only had four days left! Maybe less, until the test was done...

Whatever the results were, and however things went between us, he had to start his campaign after that. I already missed him! I didn't want to waste time. Put some clothes on, and rushed over his room. It was empty, so I wen't to the kitchen next. He wasn't there either, but Janice was. Cold and elegant as usual, she was reading something.

"Where is George?" I asked as she looked up, taking her time.

"Fixing his car." She answered, not using any more words. I could almost feel, like she added something like, 'that you wrecked, like you try to do it with his career'. What she did add was. "He left you food."

"Thanks." I said, grabbing the plate. I tried to keep as much distance from her as I could. It wasn't enough. "I'll eat it outside!"

"I'd rather we had a talk." She said, suddenly grabbing my arm. I almost dropped my plate, feeling her cold hand on me. "Take a seat!"

I was genuinely scared! Not like she looked strong, or had a gun... But I was sure her eyes could kill! And probably her words too.

"I ran a background check on your family." She started menacingly. "I did it on my own. George refused to look at it.. But we both know what your little game is about! I also saw the documents Susan signed..."

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I tried the cliche line. I forced my arm free, but it was no use. "Mom has her own things. I have nothing to do with them... And it's not like I came here on my own."

"I'm sure you have nothing to do with that twelve people you spent time with... From a few days up to a month." She noted. "It's also a coincidence, that all of them paid a considerable amount of money to your Mother. I thought it was ordinary child prostitution... But after some digging, I realised that she pitched you to all as their potential daughter... Like here! But with that document he made her sign, the plan would no longer work. Or at least that's what he probably thought... He is too naive for a politician. I'm well aware of your doing!"

"I never did anything to those men!" I protested, adding. "What my Mom did with them, I don't know! And don't want to know either... Yes, she probably wanted money. But once she signed that thing, she didn't want to back off... Yes, she also told me to try and do something on my own. But I never did before, and I won't start doing it now! Even if I wanted... I'm not cut out for it. And he is way too nice anyway..."

"Very convincing. You forget that I'm already working with a retired actor. And he's better at it!" She said, pulling a checkbook out. "I don't really care. If you need money, I can provide a generous amount. It won't bankrupt me, or him... But then you sign a paper, and you'll never tell anyone about this! Nor that you met him. And won't try to ruin his career! Let's start with a hundred-thousand. That's more than the highest payout your mother ever got from these schemes. And I give it to you directly..."

"Fuck you and your money!" I jumped, tears welling up. I wasn't sure if it was because she offended me, or because she was right. But I felt like screaming at her on the top of my voice. "I'm not my Mom! You can buy her out with some shit like that... But I'm not here for the money! I came to finally find my Daddy! Who'd put an end to all this scheming and bullshit! And now I ended up falling in love instead... I don't even know what's happening anymore... But I won't let anyone stand between us!"

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