Twenty One

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I was such a crybaby.

But it felt good to cry for the first time. Being embraced! Told, that I'm loved... And held while I cried, felt better than almost anything! Well, maybe apart from kissing... But it wasn't the right time for that.

Once I calmed down, and ate my breakfast, it was almost late for lunch too. He went ahead to cook something delicous, while I was chilling in the pool. Nothing got solved, to be fair. But I was back to where I belonged! It was quite a shock to realise, all my recent images were gone! And quickly concluded, that he must have read all the messages as well. I had missed calls from Mom. Since a lot happened, felt like I should call her... I had no idea what to say though. Telling the truth seemed the only option at this point. Or I might have drown in my own web of lies...

"What do you mean he figured it out? What do they know?" She asked. I explained that they got my phone, and read the messages while I ran away. Told her I refused the money they offered. I wouldn't say she was angry, more like panicking... But she sure shouted a lot! "Do you know what you have done?! It was going so well! Why did you have to ruin it?! You ruined me! Refusing the money is one thing... They know every detail! All the previous ones too... Do you realise, that they can send me to jail? You gave them all the evidence against me!"

"They won't!" I said, although wasn't really sure myself. She never asked me how I felt though. Or what happened to me? All my frustration and anger was welling up inside! After talking a few minutes, I was at the point of exploding. The call turned into a real shouting match. "Even if they do, you deserve it! You used me to make easy money! And never asked if I wanted it or not?! You say you did it for me... But whenever you had no use for me, you threw me off at your parent's house! And never, ever asked how they treated me! You know nothing about me! Or how I was being gossipped about in school! Yeah, I don't think they would put you in prison... Because you are too small of a fry! Not worth the effort! An absolute nobody! But you would really, really deserve it!"

At this point, I could barely even register her answers. Just shouted all my frustration, I ever had at her. Already regretting most of it, by the time I said them, but it had to come out. I almost threw the phone into the water too... But a strong hand grabbed my arm, as it happened so many times by now! It was George! Jumping into the pool for me, fully dressed...

He hugged me, to calm me down. Held my hand, and kissed my neck.

"You know what?! Whatever happens, happens! But I will no longer be your toy, or money making golden egg!" I said, trying to release it all. I pushed as hard into his embrace as I could. He knew everything already, and still remained. No, not only that! He came to embrace me! To calm me, and be with me... It was all I needed! But I didn't expect her answer.

"You had one job!" She claimed. "I never wanted you! I hoped, you could be at least a little useful... But I was wrong, and now I have to pay the price... Do whatever you want! I don't care! I don't have a daughter!"

For a few seconds, I couldn't even say anything. I was shocked! I wanted to vent on her... Didn't even say half the things seriously... I did expect something in return, but... This went far beyond my expectations!

I was crying and moaning and screaming! The only actual words that came out were 'I hate you'. I ended the call with that, and turned into George's embrace. I cried for a long time... But he didn't say a word. Kept holding me, caressing my hair, and kissing me all over!

I was a mess, for sure. He gently pulled me out of the water some time later. He brought a towel, although in this summer heat I would be dry on the sun in a few minutes anyway... He sat me down at the table, food ready. He did all that while still in his wet clothes! I was famished, but refused to start without him. He just smiled... Reaching across to hold my hand, we ate together like a couple on a date! Except, whenever we were talking, I started crying. I had to explain the entire situation from the start, again. He told me where my pictures gone, and how he got my phone. We agreed that both of us should have been more honest from the start. That the food was delicious, and I regretted being full so soon.

We didn't do much for the rest of the day. It was already more than I could ask for. We laid on the couch. I was resting my head on his lap, or on his shoulders. Or we both laid down and just cuddled for hours...

"You need to rest, so don't worry about anyting!" He ordered. "And don't worry about your Mom! You guys will figure it out..."

I hoped he was right. It was nice of him, telling me that. While he had every reason to hate me... And more than enough to hate her as well! Yet, he said all will be okay... It was comforting. And I calmed down at long last! Taking deep breaths, hugging him tightly. I fall asleep way before the sun went down. He remained with me the entire time.

Not like I would let him go anywere... I was squeezing him as tight as I could! Even in my sleep! Until both my arms went completely numb... I never had such a relaxing sleep. Never in my life before! It felt like this is where I belong: into his strong arms and tight embrace.

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