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I thought it would be impossible to sleep.

Boy I was wrong! I was out cold, and slept in late. I even forgot to write anything to my Mom. Neither about the accident, nor the kiss... I guess the first would only made her worry for no reason, and the second... She might have gotten the wrong idea.

I had to think about it first.

I dressed up, then took a few deep breaths. I went down, expecting to see the campaign manager. But apparently, she was long gone. George was busy fixing his car. It wasn't looking that terrible in daylight. I still felt bad for crashing it though! He pointed me to the kitchen, having my breakfast prepared for me. Once it was gone, I got rid of my shirt too, and joined him in the garages. I wore my baseball cap, a bikini top and shorts like the first time I drove his car. I wanted to help fixing it this time.

"How can I help?" I asked, bumping into him on purpose. "I can't promise I'll pay for the repairs... But if I can do something, let me know!"

"Well, it's nothing major." He claimed, patting my back. "I'll need new windshields, a headlight... The rest is an easy fix, even by hand. Well, it will need a paintjob. I can't do that here, and it would give us away... I'll have to spray some paint on it for now, then take it to a professional. You can help with that, once I straightened the door."

"Leave it to me!" I said determined, hanging around as he did the fixing. He explained everything he was doing. Even showed me that huge engine under the hood. Fortunately it didn't need fixing. I still managed to get some oil on my hands. It somehow ended up on my waist, then belly... In five minutes, I looked like those fake car mechanic girls in photoshoots. Inappropriate clothing, sweaty and oily and all...

At least my shorts remained clean. We were both laughing a lot, like nothing have happened the day before. I was glad he wasn't avoiding me, but also sad that he could still resist... Not because I let down Mom! My chest was simply aching for his attention...

"Hey, what about we take some more pictures with the car? I already managed to stole this mechanic look..." I asked, turning my bottom towards him, so he could fish my phone out.

He seemed to be into the idea, and gave me a gentle spank. It made me, and my heart jump! Since it was already out of control, I drew some black lines on my face too. Once I got a towel to clean my hands, I started posing. In, and around the undamaged side of the car, I grabbed some tools, or spraying paint, and laughing a lot, not just for the pictures.

It felt like I've been through a lot lately. Stress, lovesickness, worries, sadness... But lots of fun and laughter we had together too! I didn't remember laughing this much, ever! My stomach hurt in the end, and my throat was hoarse. He recorded it all! Me posing, sexy and having fun around his wrecked car... I went on to make twintails again, and taking some selfies together too. Getting that close, rubbing against each other made me feel hot in all kinds of ways! All of a sudden, I found myself turning to face him, and agressively attacked his lips.

I caught him off guard. But in a few seconds, I got gently but firmly pushed away... He was so much more stronger! I could try as hard as I wanted, I couldn't make our lips touch again. He looked conflicted too.

"Look, this isn't fair..." He claimed. "Here you are, so sexy and open and vulnerable! Then even make a move on me... How am I supposed to resist this? We really shouldn't do this... Making out with my own daughter is probably the worst I could ever do in my life..."

"But what if I'm not your daughter?!" I insisted, unable to get closer.

"It would be still wrong but..." He was stopping to think. He took a deep breath. "If you weren't my daughter... I couldn't resist anymore..."

"Okay, then promise me!" I demanded. "Promise me that if the test is negative, you'll give me a chance! And I can kiss you all I want!"

"Huh... I... Uh... Okay, I promise." He said after hesitating for a while.

It made me really happy. For the first time, there was a Dad candidate I really liked! And yet, I was hoping with all my strength, that he wasn't it. We were both too turned on to continue. The Mustang was basically finished, other than the missing parts. We were late for lunch already. I took a long and cold shower to calm down I had to get rid of the black oil stains too. I imagined, he was doing the same...

He promised it. And I really hoped he would keep it. He had to, being a politician or not... I couldn't survive my first love getting rejected... No matter what! I had to make sure, everything's working out.

That's when I decided to call my Mom. I wanted explain the situation my way. Which meant, I kept everything a secret. Praise him for being super nice, and claim that I won't ever make a move on him. Because I can't do it! Mom wasn't happy to hear it. I had to put all my confidence into my words, until she could not convince me otherwise.

"Well, the test will be done soon. I'll try to make them rush it a bit! And we can come back to it later..." She offered. "With a little luck, it will be still before the end of your vacation. And hopefully it'll be positive..."

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