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She was out cold.

Clearly hallucinating, she mumbled something about being together in the afterlife... But we managed to make her eat and drink a little. I carried her into the car, and she slept all the way back. Jen thought she's fine, but I was adamant to take her to a doctor first. She was dehydrated, with a light sunstroke. All she needed was a good, long sleep.

That, I could provide! Of course none of our problems were solved yet. But seeing her standing on that bridge... About to fell over! I couldn't think about any of them... Just wanted her to be safe! Once I carried her to bed, Janice went on the offense. She waiting for me in the hall.

"Just so you know! If you ever decide to run away... I can find you all the same! Even underground if I have to!" She claimed. I couldn't even take it as a joke at this point. "She'll be all right. But will you?"

"Thanks, I'll manage." I said, adding. "Thanks for the drones too! I would have never thought of them... Couldn't find her without you!"

"This is why I get paid. To think of stuff you can't." She noted, arms crossed. "But she's still a security breach. She'll cause you issues..."

"You are scary..." I told her. If I didn't know her better, I would have said, she was smiling. "One thing at a time. If she survives the night, you can kill her tomorrow. But I'm not mad at her... I think... I'm glad she's fine. I have her phone too. So there is no security risk anymore!"

"Don't try to say, she's a kid! She's dangerous..." She said, walking towards the entrance. She turned, frowning. "And for crying out loud! If you do say, that she's a kid... At least delete those pictures!"

She knew how to stab people with words. But she was right, as always. Yet, I couldn't destroy those memories we made together. I ended up copying everything onto my phone, before deleting them from hers. I felt this much can be justified... After all the things she pulled on me! Then I took the phone to her room, watching her sleep for a while. Once I made sure she was really all right, I went to sleep as well. The adrenaline finally thinning out in my brain, I was out fast.

Janice woke me up the next day. Looking the same as always.

I couldn't tell if she was a living organism, that needed actual sleep... Maybe she hooked herself onto a charger for a few hours, then kept going! I was sleepy, and feeling old. But nothing some coffee couldn't solve. I also made some breakfast for the three of us.

Dora was still asleep, so we ended up eating without her. Then work as usual! Well, this time she was one of the main points of our little conference. Janice was still adamant to throw her out as soon as she's awake. She pushed all the info she could gather on her down my throat. No amount of protesting could help. But that stuff was pretty ugly for sure...

"Look at it this way... If you were right, she'd have taken the money, and gone home." I claimed. "Instead she ran away, and almost jumped into a river! You can't act like that... No matter how good you are!"

"That little water couldn't kill her... Neither the fall! Maybe she just noticed us coming..." She said, but added. "Well, you can't fake dehydration and sunstroke... She went that extra mile..."

"She's just a..." I started, but was cut in half.

"Don't you dare! She's sixteen! In her age, I was working alongside school. And solved adult puzzles!" She stated. "I can believe she didn't mean any harm. Or maybe she wanted more money... Or panicked. Or it was all part of their plans... All I'm saying is, don't underestimate her!"

"I don't need the money..." We heard a quite voice. Dora was on the stairs! "Mom would do anything for it, but I don't care!"

She turned, and tried to run. She was still weak, kept stumbling on the stairs. I immediately jumped up, not willing to let her run away again. Janice tried to stop me, but I almost dragged her along too.

"Chill, she's going upstairs." She pointed out. That comforted me a little. "You should think about what to say, instead of rushing after her!"

"You're right... Calm down." I said to myself. I took a few deep breaths, before following her. "I guess, I want her to know that I'm not mad. And I won't throw her out... I'm willing to believe her, if she tells me everything. For real this time! Then I can figure out the rest..."

"No, you are missing an important point." She noted, grabbing her briefcase. She was about to leave. "The first thing you should say is..."

Her voice was always so strong and cold, yet I could barely hear her this time. Barely... but her message still got through. Not something I ever expected from her... But it was something sensible in it's own way. She left the next moment, and I slowly walked up on the stairs. Dora's room was left open, but she was inside. She threw herself on to the bed, throwing a tantrum as well.

I had to make some noise so that she noticed me. I saw anger. And fear. All kinds of different emotions on her teary face... She was beautiful, even looking like this. I couldn't help but walk up to her, hug her tight, and repeat the words Janice told me, from the bottom of my heart.

"It doesn't matter what happened! I will always love you!"

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