Chapter 15: End SS1 - 1990

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Lena's eleventh birthday party begins

Peverell's ballroom was filled with guests.

It was a pretty big birthday party compared to her eighth birthday party, which was like twice as big as before.

The difference is that at that time her father deliberately invited everyone, but this time the party was more crowded because many people wanted to come.

There have been many changes over the years, but they haven't affected her much

- Happy birthday!

- OH!

Suddenly, something gray and smooth protruded from the side of her face

- Forge, Gred! You guys scare me so much!

They were the Weasley Prewett twins playing with a large gray stuffed rabbit

- We specially ordered this stuffed rabbit~

- Its eyes are also made from pure Hematite stone~

Lena received the stuffed rabbit.

It's soft and smooth, but she not very impressive.

It's not like they didn't know she wasn't interested in dolls.

Why did they give this gift?

While I was still staring at the stuffed rabbit, George asked in a mischievous voice.

- What do you think? Do you like stuffed rabbits?

- Yes, well...... thank you.

But Lena isn't rude enough to complain about what someone give her

But George patted Fred on the shoulder and said.

- Look, I told you, princess wouldn't say anything! She's too good for that.

- Oh, I thought you were going to throw away the teddy bear! You are so kind, princess!

George grinned and Fred held his head in regret.

Lena thought they were betting on her reaction to the stuffed bunny.

Fred sighed and said.

- Princess, if you don't like something, you should say no. You always think too much about others.


- You are too kind

Now George is involved.

- This is not our gift!

- You must expect something bigger!

- What is bigger?

They didn't answer her question, they just smiled.

- What does the princess want?

- Me?

If someone asked Lena to tell you what she wanted, she could stay up all night to say it.

Lena smiled slightly

- I don't think I can hope for more today

Unlike her previous life where she lived alone with Aoi, today for her, just having a happy birthday party is enough.

- You can not do it!

Fred patted her head and smiled.

- I'll buy you a real gift soon, so come hang out with us.

- Yes, there are quite a few interesting places in the Diagon center!

Oh right! Thanks to Color Gold, many businesses have opened and Diagon Alley has grown large and become the Diagon center.

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