Chapter 13: 1986 (part 11)

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Lena was finally convinced by Aoi and slowly placed the sleeping Holly in her arms but that thought was unsuccessful because the baby dragon quickly woke up and squealed. The baby dragon started crying, causing Lena to pick her up and put her back in the scarf

Aoi gave up, lay straight on the bed and played with teddy bears. Lena smiled slightly at that image, then she went to the desk and pulled out a stack of old notes

This was her mother's note that Lena had retrieved from his private vault

Only now did she bring it out to read

Actually, sometimes she really hates her curiosity

Alright! This would be the last time she let curiosity overcome her reason

Last time

Last time

It's the last time

Something important must be mentioned three times

Taking a deep breath, Lena opened the notebook and started reading, but as soon as she opened the first page, she saw a letter

"What is this?"

She picked it up and examined it more closely

"To Magdalena Potter - my beloved daughter"

"From Severus Prince............"

"It was written by mama"

Quickly opened it, beautiful words quickly appeared

Dear Bambi,

If you read these lines, that mean I am dead

I wonder how big you are now?

Have you gone to school yet? Or have you graduated?

I'm not sure how long it will take for this letter and notes to reach you, but I hope it's not too late

The plan to fake the prophecy was not as perfect as I thought, it harmed the Longbottom family and I actually drove them apart.

It's too bad that that happened, I was too selfish at that time to do something I wasn't sure about

But if I could choose again, I would still do it because it brings safety to you and James too

Bambi, this notebook contains the medicine needed to cure the Longbottoms and the medicine to cure Moony's werewolf disease.

If you don't know......your uncle Remus is actually a werewolf and that's bad

But he was a good person, a naive child who suffered a lifetime of pain caused by a madman

I think I have nothing more to write

But Bambi, I just want to tell you that I love you very much, more than anything in the world

You are the greatest gift Merlin has ever given me

Take good care of yourself and pay more attention to your papa

He looks so strong, but he's also very weak! Don't work too hard. If you have anything, ask your papa for advice. He will definitely help in any way.

Don't let my death affect you, Bambi. This is something i brought upon myselves, so whatever the outcome is, i will bear it myselves

Tell James that I'm sorry I can't be with him longer, tell him that I love him very much

Tell Lupine Black's family that I love them very much

Tell Black Malfoy's family that I love them too

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