Chapter 11: 1986 (part 9)

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Magdalena walked out of the room and called Evelyn

- Evy, is my papa home yet?

Receiving the answer, she nodded and told the house elf to prepare three candles for her and take them to her bedroom, while she herself turned straight to her father's bedroom.

Large bedroom with a king-sized bed with a dark blue blanket

This is her father's favorite color

Blue is often associated with an optimistic personality, loving life, and not being constrained by the world around them. Blue also represents steadfastness and courage

However, blue is also known for coldness, loneliness, emptiness and melancholy.

She doesn't know when her father used this color for the room

Probably right after moving here

Magdalena placed her hand on the bed and sighed

She looked around the room to see if there was anything her father had used

There were many things that James had used but still kept in his room, but she wanted something that her father wouldn't remember.

Who knows how long she will use it

After a moment of observation, she walked to the table next to the bed. Above there is a glass, a notebook and a feather ink pen

She looked at them for a while then went out and asked the house elf to get her an identical pen to replace the old one.

After finishing, she took the pen she got and returned to her room

Stepping back inside, she pulled all the curtains back and lit three candles, placing them in a large triangle. In the middle was her holding the feather ink pen tightly. Luckily, Holly was sleeping, Lena wasn't sure if she could concentrate when Holly kept whispering in her ear.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, continuing to breathe like that. Suddenly, she felt a cold wind blowing past her. She slowly opened her eyes. She was surprised to see that now in front of her were thousands of doors. And she herself is in an unknown space

- The unknown world -

She stood up and looked around, this place had no beginning and no end. Not expecting anything to be in the distance, she walked back and checked the doors

Each door has a different design and different type of wood, and above each door is engraved a series of dates - months - years. But the dates are quite far apart, maybe because those are the memories her father will always remember and the rest will not.

Magdalena tried following the doors, until she found the door with the time she wanted

October 16, 1970

She opened the door and a white light blinded her eyes

When she regained her vision, she saw herself standing in front of a small store and a boy with long raven hair holding a large bag of groceries walked out of the store.

But right then, a boy with messy hair like a bird's nest ran up and bumped into the boy who had just walked out.

At a glance, she could tell that

These are her parents - James Potter and Severus Prince Potter

It seemed like she knew why her mother had such a strong impression of her father

The first time they met, he made him fall on his face like that.............a big impression

- Girl, what's wrong?

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