Author's note

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Hi everyone,

Thank you to all who have read my fanfiction so far.

I am writing this as an update as it has been over two weeks since I last updated this story, and if I am being honest with you, I have been suffering from some writer's block with this story.

I have some ideas about how I wish to continue it but am now reaching out to you, the reader, to provide me with some help to decide how it will continue.

The ideas I have are these:

A large chapter concerning the royal wedding and some other filler chapters on other developments, like the king's marital status.Around 5 or 6 chapters that include what I have planned and then, a time skip.

Please comment and share any ideas you have to help me further develop this story :)

In the meantime, you can expect updates on my other stories: The Dragon of the Vale and A Stag, Not a Dragon. For those who haven't already read these two stories, I strongly suggest you do if you are enjoying The Promised Prince.

I am planning on expanding the fandoms I write for, so the first couple of chapters for these stories are coming out over the weekend.

The People's PrinceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon