A flight upon the Queen of Dragons

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As per the tradition set by their mother, Princess Alyssa Targaryen, Prince Viserys wished to take his baby son, Prince Aelor, on a flight in the clouds, just as Alyssa had done for him and his brother Daemon in their early years. However, there was a problem: Prince Viserys was without a dragon after the death of Balerion the Black Dread in 94 AC, so he couldn't take his son himself.He considered asking his brother, Prince Daemon, who was the rider of the blood wyrm Caraxes, but Daemon was currently at Runestone. Left with few options, Viserys pondered who else he could ask. His grandparents, too old to ride their dragons Silverwing and Vermithor, were out of the question. Princess Rhaenys was at Driftmark, leaving his father, Prince Baelon, as his best option.

Viserys made his way to the Tower of the Hand and knocked before entering. His father was surprised to see him and gestured for him to take a seat in front of his desk.

"Son, what brings you here? How are the children and Aemma faring?" Prince Baelon inquired.

"They are well," Viserys replied. "I've come to ask a favour of you. Would you take my son to the skies, as you did for me and Daemon?"

"Of course, my son. What better way to greet the skies than on the back of the biggest dragon in the world?" Prince Baelon responded warmly.


Prince Baelon arrived at the royal nursery in the early morning, requesting that the servants prepare Prince Aelor for a morning flight with his grandfather. As the young prince was handed to him, his tiny hands waved in the air, bringing a smile to Baelon's face.

Soon, they were seated in a carriage bound for the dragon pit, accompanied by a retinue of guards. Prince Aelor gazed around the carriage with wide-eyed curiosity, while his grandfather bounced him on his knee, eliciting laughter and smiles from both.

Arriving at the dragon pit, Prince Baelon called forth his dragon, Vhagar, who descended before them. Vhagar, the oldest and largest dragon in the Targaryen fleet, was a legendary figure, having served Queen Visenya during the Conquest of Westeros alongside Aegon the Conqueror. At over 150 years old, she stood as a testament to the might of House Targaryen, her massive form dwarfing all others after the passing of Balerion the Black Dread. Her scales, a blend of green and grey, bore the marks of age, her sheer size and power unmatched by any living dragon.

Securing Prince Aelor in a sling and strapping it to himself, Prince Baelon climbed the ropes to Vhagar's back, settling into the saddle and gripping the chains tightly. With a command from the prince, "Sōvēs," Vhagar spread her immense wings and launched into the sky, the force of her takeoff casting a shadow over King's Landing.

As they ascended, the great city below shrank to mere insignificance compared to the majesty of Vhagar. Prince Aelor cheered with delight, prompting Prince Baelon to remark, "You seem to enjoy the skies, my dear Trēsanna." With a gentle command, Vhagar descended, returning them safely to the dragon pit.

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