A Game of Chess

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In the Tower of the Hand, Prince Aelor and the Hand of the King, Lord Otto Hightower, sat across from each other, engrossed in a game of chess. The two often shared cups of wine during their meetings, which typically revolved around political discussions regarding the state of the realm.

This routine encounter was familiar for both individuals, as the Prince frequently sought the Hand's counsel on matters his father and sister might dismiss or deem insignificant. Lord Otto's serious intellect and analytical perspective often shed light on such issues.

As they made their moves on the chessboard, Lord Otto initiated conversation. "So, my Prince, I assume you've heard of your father's plans to celebrate the arrival of his new heir?"

Prince Aelor manoeuvred a knight to capture a bishop before responding, "Indeed, my lord Hand. It's slated to be a grand affair, with seven days of festivities beginning with a tournament culminating in the birth of a son."

Lord Otto advanced a pawn diagonally, positioning it opposite the knight. "Some lords and nobles at court view such a celebration for his second-born son as unprecedented. They see it as a slight against you, my Prince, considering you're his firstborn and presumed heir in their eyes."

The young prince moved his knight to put the Hand's king in check, causing a smirk from Lord Otto as he moved his king to safety. "My father is devoted to his family and holds great affection for my sister and me. However, he's often swayed by the need to maintain peace and appease the nobles. Despite my efforts to prove myself as a worthy ruler, he clings to the belief that fate will provide him with a son destined to wear the crown after him."

Lord Otto contemplated his next move while engaging in conversation. "Such a notion seems far-fetched, my Prince, considering you're already designated as his successor. What are your thoughts on your esteemed uncle, Prince Daemon?"

Taking a sip of his wine, the Prince moved a pawn to protect his king. "My uncle, the Rogue Prince, seems preoccupied with his new role as commander of the City Watch. He's focused on training and equipping the watch to defend King's Landing. Although his dedication to the gold cloaks remains uncertain, his absence from court has resulted in less time spent with my sister. Their mutual affection is evident, and I believe nothing will hinder their union."

The Hand made his move, manoeuvring his knight to regain control of the game. "Interesting perspective, my Prince. With your intelligence, you'd make a fine king, provided you have the right companion by your side."

With a strategic move, the Prince positioned his bishop to capture the Hand's queen, signalling victory was near. "Thank you, my lord Hand. However, my concerns lie with my mother's well-being. Given her history of difficult pregnancies, I fear for her life."

The Hand miscalculated, mistakenly capturing the wrong pawn with his knight. The Prince smiled, realizing he was on the brink of winning the game. "According to the maesters, my Prince, there's no cause for worry. The Queen is healthy and nearing the end of her term. Soon, you'll have a new sibling."

The Prince moved his queen to put the Hand's king in check, followed by a swift move that left the Hand with no escape. "Checkmate, my lord Hand."

"Well played, my Prince," the Hand conceded gracefully, shaking the Prince's hand."I must take my leave now, my lord Hand. I intend to visit my great-grandmother; I sense her time in this world is drawing to a close."

The Hand nodded, gesturing toward the chamber door. "Of course, my Prince. Farewell."

"And do give my regards to Alicent," the Prince added with a smile as he exited, leaving Lord Otto to ponder his ambitions.

As a second son, Lord Otto never imagined he'd rise to such prominence in the realm, becoming the second most powerful man. He had developed a fondness for the Prince and saw him as the realm's future. He couldn't help but envision a brighter future for House Hightower, especially if the Prince were to wed his daughter, Lady Alicent. Such a union could elevate their house's status and usher in a new era for the realm with heirs to follow.

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