The dowager Queen

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Prince Aelor approached the door to the royal apartments, leading to the chamber of the dowager Queen, the Good Queen Alysanne, his great-grandmother and widow of the late King Jaehaerys the Conciliator.

The Queen, now in her twilight years, spent most of her days confined to her bed chambers, her legs no longer able to support her for lengthy walks through the gardens or the halls of the Red Keep. Despite her physical limitations, her mind remained as sharp as ever, evidenced by the harsh remarks she directed at the servants, courtiers, and nobles who came to visit her.

Knocking lightly before entering, Prince Aelor's presence stirred the Queen from her rest. "Ah, which blithering old maester has Viserys sent to tend to me now? If it's that fool Mellos again, I swear he'll receive a piece of my mind," she remarked sharply.

Entering her chamber with a chuckle, the Prince teased, "Fear not, grandmother, it's not Mellos, but the handsome young Prince Aelor, here to liberate you from your tower."

The Queen's face softened into a smile as she greeted him, "Ah, Aelor, my young prince, how have you been? You must tell me how the family fares and how the skies have treated you lately."

After exchanging pleasantries, Aelor updated her on the family's well-being and shared tales of his recent exploits. Concern etched his features as he spoke of his mother's seclusion, worried about her health amidst the demands of caring for a newborn.

Sensing his apprehension, the Queen motioned for him to take a seat beside her bed, where she offered him words of wisdom. "You know, Aelor, before your great-uncle Aemon and grandfather Baelon were born, your great-grandfather Jaehaerys and I longed for a son to carry on our legacy. Your father's desire to secure his line is understandable, though I share your admiration for your qualities as a potential heir."

Grateful for her understanding, Aelor expressed his contentment with his current position, voicing his desire to marry for love and uphold the Targaryen legacy through honourable means.

The Queen smiled at his humility, silently hoping that Viserys's newborn son would bring stability to the realm. Yet, deep down, she knew that upon Viserys's passing, the lords would likely look to Aelor as his successor.

As they exchanged gossip and laughter, time slipped away, and the Queen grew weary. Before bidding her grandson farewell, she made a request. "Aelor, before you leave, would you sing a lullaby for me? Your voice is a rare treasure that deserves to be heard more often."

With a nod, Aelor began to sing, his voice filling the chamber with its melodic cadence. The song he chose was a familiar lullaby, one that had been passed down through generations of Targaryens.

"Drakari pykiros

Tikummo jemiros

Yn lantyz bartossa

Saelot vāedis"

"Hen ñuhā elēnī:

Perzyssy vestretis

Se gēlȳn irūdaks


"Perzyro udrȳssi

Ezīmptos laehossi

Hārossa letagon

Aōt vāedan

Hae mērot gierūli:

Se hāros bartossi

Prūmȳsa sōvīli

Gevī dāerī"

By the time he finished, the Queen had succumbed to peaceful slumber. Aelor quietly rose from his seat, leaving her to rest as he made his way back to his own chambers, preparing for the challenges that awaited him in the days ahead.

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